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The great doctrine of the Christian era the brotherhood of man and the duty of the strong to the weak is in sharp contrast with this doctrinarian notion of equality. The Christian religion never proposed to remove the inequalities of life or its suffering, but by the incoming of charity and contentment and a high mind to give individual men a power to be superior to their conditions.

In Ameriky, we even put religion before dollars; and if that isn't convincing I'll give it up. Now, I do wish you could see a Sunday once in the Granite State, Signorina Ghita, that you might get some notion what our western religion ra'ally is." "All real religion all real devotion to God is, or ought to be, the same, Signor Ithuello, whether in the east or in the west.

"Stuff and nonsense," said Lady Sophia firmly. "Somebody has been humbugging you, Molly." But being a lady who liked peace better than warfare, she now went on to say that she had had no notion how late it was until this moment, and that she really must be off. Her farewell was quite friendly, but Molly's was cold.

I speak of people as I find them. But what is your notion about Frank? I see you don't think he is in love with Violante, after all. Out with it, man; speak plain." PARSON. "Since you so urge me, I own I do not think him in love with her; neither does my Carry, who is uncommonly shrewd in such matters." SQUIRE. "Your Carry, indeed! as if she were half as shrewd as my Harry. Carry nonsense!"

Snap is very faithful, very crotchety, distrusting nearly everybody, greeting every fresh acquaintance with marked suspicion, and going through life with a most exalted and ridiculous notion of her own importance, and also of that of her master and mistress."

His astonishment alone kept him from laying hands upon her, to make sure that she was really there. "Well, of all the " She extended her hand. "This is a surprise," she said, with admirable control. "I hadn't the faintest notion you were in Lucerne." "By Jove!" he mumbled, shaking hands with her but still dazed and uncertain. He suddenly remembered his companion.

In those days he sought the midday rest with the other laborers and lay down where Höflinger was wont to take his nap. Having to pay so much more attention to the machine used up his nervous energy, already much tried, and wore him out. He wanted to sleep, but the wild and foolish notion that he might take the place of Höflinger at night, too, banished the rest he craved.

The nature and place and affinities of the object of course play as vital a part in making the particular passage possible as do the nature and associative tendencies of the idea; so that the notion that truth could fall altogether inside of the thinker's private experience and be something purely psychological, is absurd.

But I knew nothing of what poverty really meant, and was as yet only playing at being poor; cherishing a foolish, though unacknowledged notion of protecting my husband's poverty with the aegis of my position as the daughter of a man of consequence in his county. I was thus wronging the dignity of my husband's position, and complimenting wealth by making so much of its absence.

Watkins, "I thought it rather a good notion when it occurred to me. I expect to begin to-morrow night." "What! You don't mean to paint in the open, by night?" "I do, though." "But how will you see your canvas?" "Have a bloomin' cop's " began Mr. Watkins, rising too quickly to the question, and then realizing this, bawled to Miss Durgan for another glass of beer.