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Though Bergstein left Big Shanty at a quarter before eight in the morning with the order for the horses in his pocket, it was noon by the sawmill whistle before he reached Morrison's. There he engaged a single rig to take him out to the railroad. What he had done, or where he had been in the meantime, no one knew.

Morrison paid more than twice as much for the advertisement of his never-dying hygiene." The committee described how Morrison's nostrums often contained powerful poisons, and then continued: "Morrison is forgotten, and Brandeth is on the high road to the same distinction.

"Gammon!" "Gammon nothing! Facts!" "Facts? You're out of your head, man. The thing couldn't possibly happen. Somebody's having you!" "Well, somebody had him, at all events. Young Carboys, I mean the chap that's engaged, or, rather, was engaged, to Captain Morrison's daughter; and the poor girl's half out of her mind over it.

The doctor, with his back turned, never noticed them, and no one had the hardihood to attempt further to attract his attention. So ended the election episode at Willoughby. "I hope you've enjoyed yourselves," said Crossfield to Tedbury the Limpet, that afternoon. "Jolly time you've had of it." "It's all that young ass Morrison's doing," growled Tedbury.

"Early in March of that year, the City of Glasgow, with a valuable cargo and upwards of five hundred passengers on board, sailed under Morrison's command for Philadelphia; and all that was good and prosperous was confidently predicted of the voyage of so fine a ship under charge of so capable a commander.

His Excellency's silence, his stupefaction, suggested that his convictions as to Morrison's lunacy were finally clinched. "The constitution, that you have invoked, expressly provides that a Governor's term of office expires at midnight, on the day preceding the assembling of the first session of the legislature.

From old recollections, she knew that she was on Peter Morrison's land, and calculated that if she kept straight on she would come out where the old Morrison house used to be. Her calculations proved correct, with a trifling variation. She came out fifty yards south of the old deserted Morrison house, and found herself in the yard of the Wright farm!

Morrison's house, and is being carefully nursed by his late partner, though there is but little hope of his recovery." "Minister, it wasna you surely wha concocted this lie?" "Nobody has told a lie, John. Don't be overrighteous, man; there is an unreasonableness o' virtue that savors o' pride. I really thought Robert had had an accident, until you told me the truth o' the matter.

Morrison's neat little parlour, which, though it bore no comparison with the spacious and beautifully furnished apartments he had just left, had an air of comfort and convenience which could not fail to please. Delighted to see her old friend, whom she also, from early habit, addressed by the title of Uncle Joshua, although he was no relation, Mrs.

Only don't burn those precious fingers." Virgie carried the steaming cup to her father and put it in his hands with shining eyes. "This is better than our old belt supper, Daddy, isn't it?" she said, with a flirt of her tangled curls. "Anyway it smells nicer." She was back at the sugar bag at once, digging out spoonfuls for Morrison's coffee. "Thank you, Miss Cary, I am indeed obliged to you.