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I wuz leadin' up ter it gradooal, fer what I'm goin' ter relate if thet yap will choke off on thet moosical snore " "Here, wake up, you're snoring so loud we can't hear ourselves holler," said Kit, reaching over and shaking Ben. "I can't keep awake while that fellow persists in yarning away like a fanning machine. It's so monotonous I can't keep awake," and Ben stretched and yawned.

But me and my mate here happens to be moosical. Used to sing in St. Church in Leeds. Leading bass, I was a bit irregular, I'll own, and that's why they wouldn't keep me on. My mate plays the cornet. He used to be in the band of the Fusiliers. Served in South Africa, he did, and got a sock in the face from a shell; yer can see the 'ole under his eye.

One sits still, and, for the most part; says nothing, while the church folks practyse all kinds of ways, so that I sometimes think it quite moosical to see them; for I went to a church- meeting once before, down country“You have found an excellence in the church liturgy that has hitherto escaped me.

"'Which, of course, all these yere moosical an' terpshicoreen preeliminaries means simply so much war between me an' this sperited beau of Polly's, to see who'll own the lady's heart. I explains that I'm not jest then fit for combat, sufferin' as I be from that overabundance of dog an' b'ar. The Purple Blossom is plumb p'lite, an' says he don't hunger to whip no cripples.

"Looky here, young feller, it won't do yer any good to get flip!" "I'm not going to get flip." "Don't yer know that it's agin the law to play on a moosical instrument after eleven P. M.?" "No, sir, I didn't know it. Are you going to have me executed for it? Because if you are, I hope that you'll let me consult a spiritual adviser, first." "You're too fresh, young feller. I might have let yer off "

I hire a artistic Italyun to grind fur me, payin him his vittles & close, & I spose it was them stranes which fust put a moosical taste into me. Like all furriners, he had seen better dase, havin formerly been a Kount. But he aint of much akount now, except to turn the orgin and drink Beer, of which bevrige he can hold a churnful, EASY.

“Did you evercried Remarkable, with a laugh that seemed to unhinge every joint in her body. “You’re a moosical creature, Benjamin, when the notion takes you. But, as I was saying, I rather guess that times will be altered now in this house

But I don't go; old Hickey excloodes me, an' my hopes of moosical eminence rots down right thar. "'It's mebby two days later when I'm over by the postoffice gettin' the weekly paper for my old gent. Thar's goin' to be a Gander-Pullin' by torchlight that evenin' over to Hickman's Mills with a dance at the heel of the hunt. But I ain't allowin' to be present none.

By nacher I'm a heap moosical; so I ups givin' that genius for harmony expression an' yoonites myse'f with the "Sni-a-bar Silver Cornet Band." Old Hickey is leader, an' he puts me in to play the snare drum, the same bein' the second rung on the ladder of moosical fame, an' one rung above the big drum. Old Hickey su'gests that I start with the snare drum an' work up.

This is a Christmas eve, which comes, you know, but once a year“He! he! he! the squire is quite moosical to-nightsaid Hiram, whose visage began to give marvellous signs of relaxation. “I rather guess we shall make a church on’t yet, squire“A church, Mr. Doolittle! we will make a cathedral of it! bishops, priests, deacons, wardens, vestry, and choir; organ, organist, amid bellows!