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He marked that his uncle placed the infernal Kinney and Miss Morgan, as the leading couple, in the first chairs at the head of the line upon the leader's right; and this disloyalty on the part of Uncle George was inexcusable, for in the family circle the nephew had often expressed his opinion of Fred Kinney. In his bitterness, George uttered a significant monosyllable.

Aunt Blin changed the muffled but eager monosyllable to a sharper one; and being reminded, felt in her lap, under her napkin, for her "ornaments," as Bel called them. But she counted the strokes before she put them in, nodding her head, and holding up her finger to Bel and Bartholomew for silence. Everything stopped where it was with Miss Bree when the fire alarm sounded. One two three four five.

Felix Lorraine; "delightful sentiment, that prevents life from being a curse! Have you a friend, Mr. Vivian Grey?" "Before I answer that question, I should like to know what meaning Mrs. Felix Lorraine attaches to that important monosyllable, friend." "Oh, you want a definition. "Old!" said Vivian, in a proper tone of surprise. "Old! ay old; how old do you think I am?"

The King avoided all discourse with him upon this matter; M. du Maine the same. M. d'Orleans was contented with a simple approving monosyllable to both, like a courtier who ought not to meddle with anything; and he avoided conversation upon this subject, even with Madame la Duchesse d'Orleans, and with anybody else.

The little gentleman with the malformation, before described, shocked the propriety of the breakfast-table by a loud utterance of three words, of which the two last were "Webster's Unabridged," and the first was an emphatic monosyllable. Beg pardon, he added, forgot myself. But let us have an English dictionary, if we are to have any. I don't believe in clipping the coin of the realm, Sir!

She did not see her aunt again till dinner-time, and then there was hardly a word uttered. Once or twice Dorothy made a little effort to speak, but these attempts failed utterly. The old woman would hardly reply even by a monosyllable, but simply muttered something, or shook her head when she was addressed.

"How is that, sir?" MR. CAXTON. "What so clear? You imply that, though a better novel may be written by others, you do not expect to write a novel to which, taken as a novel, you would more decisively and unblushingly prefix that voucher of personal authorship and identity conveyed in the monosyllable 'My. And if you have written your best, let it be ever so bad, what can any man of candour and integrity require more from you?

You have elected to sell yourself, to let a woman" with swift scorn "buy you out of a tight corner. I... I... " in a low tense voice, "am sorry we ever met." "Why? " He hurled the monosyllable at her, now almost crushing her hands in his grasp, as he waited, silently compelling her to reply. "Because the friendship was pleasant. It has meant a good deal.

Tom, as you have observed, was never an exception among boys for ease of address; but the difficulty of enunciating a monosyllable in reply to Mr. or Mrs. Stelling was so great, that he even dreaded to be asked at table whether he would have more pudding.

Edward, who perceived that the address was in Rose's hand-writing, retired to peruse it, leaving the faithful bearer to continue his exercise until the piper or he should be tired out. The contents of the letter greatly surprised him. It had originally commenced with 'Dear Sir'; but these words had been carefully erased, and the monosyllable 'Sir' substituted in their place.