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Updated: July 31, 2024

Whitelaw answered with a grin; "but don't let him go and do my horse any damage, or you'll have to pay for it." "Of course. You'd like to get the price of a decent animal out of me for that broken-kneed hard-mouthed brute of yours," replied the stranger with a scornful laugh. "I think there never was such a money-grubbing, grinding, grasping beggar since the world began.

His wife had taunted him with meanness, with low money-grubbing; the effect had been to make him all the more tenacious of habits which might have given way before other kinds of reproof. So he had gone on living the ordinary life, to all appearances well contented, in reality troubled from time to time by a reawakening of those desires which he had understood only to have them frustrated.

"I can't take them, but it will help me to be a better girl, to have known someone like you!" "Like me!" I said, and laughed. "I'm just just a rough, money-grubbing Jew. That's all I am." She shook her head like mad. "You may say what you like," she told me; "but you can't alter what I think. You're good good good!" Then I told her just what had happened.

A replica of Europe, or America? a money-grubbing civilisation with no faith but the dollar? If so, we shall have had the great chance of history and lost it!" "We shan't lose it," said Anderson, "unless the gods mock us." "Why not?" said Mariette sombrely. "Nations have gone mad before now." "Ah! prophesy, prophesy!" said the Chief Justice sadly.

In fact, there was little in her days but work, and for a young pretty maiden not turned nineteen, there's no doubt the toil and trouble of 'Passage House' and the money-grubbing passion of her uncle and aunt were a depressing state of life. But she enjoyed the eternal hope proper to youth and looked forward to a home of her own some day, and better times when the right man came along.

"I don't want to be money-grubbing," she went on, "or to cling on to things to which I have no right; though, of course, it will be rather poor fun for me to have to give up all this," and she waved her hand in a sweep, supposed to include the Willows and the Osierfield and all that appertained thereto, "and to drudge along at the rate of five hundred a year, with yesterday's dinner and last year's dress warmed up again to feed and clothe me.

She wept again. The lady applied a laced kerchief to either eye. A touching scene. "Madam, a heart of marble must feel for you, and mine is not marble far from it. But sure such beauty must open all doors. Marriage " She broke off. "Alas, Madam, in these days of money-grubbing avarice, what is beauty?

You want to buy the Gazette for an investment. Let it stand at that. So you're the money-grubbing sort that supposes that everything on God's hassock has its price?" "I believe it's street knowledge that the Gazette has its. But I called really not so much to discuss ethics, as to ascertain your figure." Smith gave a sigh which was not without its trace of mockery.

I know what sort of echoes my voice found. They were so discouraging to me, and to the frivolous minority of pleasure-seekers, that I recommended lowering the price of admission so as to suit the means of any decent people who were willing to leave off money-grubbing and tear themselves from the charms of mutual instruction for one evening at least.

And well they may, for his character and his life afford a complete answer to the reproaches commonly cast on money-grubbing, mechanical America.

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