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"You know," he continued, so loud that everyone in the vicinity could not fail to hear him, "the last time I met you two, you were on your honeymoon on THIS VERY TRAIN," and with that the fellow sat himself down, uninvited, by Alfred's side and started on a long list of compliments about "the fine little girl" who had in his opinion done Alfred a great favour when she consented to tie herself to a "dull, money-grubbing chap" like him.

He has no character at all, apart from rather unsuccessful money-grubbing, and from a habit of defending with some virulence, but with no capacity, his fellow money-grubbers throughout the world. However, I thought no more about it, and went on reading about "Vivisection."

The commercial magazines full well knew the hideous truth, but stifled it for hire. The New Dawn would be honest. The sinister truth about America as revealed in the initial number of the brave new venture was that America was crude, blatant, boastful, vulgar, and money-grubbing. We were without ideals beyond the dollar; without desires save those to be glutted by material wealth.

He buys his estate or builds his house; but there is little pleasure in the business. He is the mere slave of land-agents, the puppet of architects and upholsterers. He has no original taste to guide or interest him: what he once had has perished long ago in the dreary toil of money-grubbing.

Nigel Kingley made his adieux and crossed the room. Immelan watched him curiously. "What is our friend Kingley's profession?" he enquired. "He has no profession," Sir Daniel replied. "He has never come into touch with the sordid needs of these money-grubbing days. He is the nephew and heir of the Earl of Dorminster." Immelan looked away from the retreating figure. "Lord Dorminster," he murmured.

"I wonder how it is that plain girls so often have money. I suppose the money-grubbing spirit comes out in ugliness in the female branch." Tea was brought in, but Beth refused to take any. The doctor tried to persuade her. "You had better change your mind," he said. "Ladies are privileged to change their minds." "I know," said Beth. "Ladies are privileged to be foolish.

This was for an advertisement of the business. He now caught rats for the fun of it, and the show of it, but also to get money by it; for, though he was so rich, ratting and money-grubbing had become a second nature to him: unless he were at one or the other, he could not be happy. Far below, in the house of the gnome, Jasome' sat and cried.

He fought in that daily battle of money-grubbing, with a kind of sad-eyed loyalty like a martyr's; rose early, ate fast, came home dispirited and over-weary, even from success; grudged himself all pleasure, if his nature was capable of taking any, which I sometimes wondered; and laid out, upon some deal in wheat or corner in aluminium, the essence of which was little better than highway robbery, treasures of conscientiousness and self-denial.

He is a huge gob of flesh, which is perhaps animated dimly by some spark of humanity smouldering filthily in a heart cancerous with money-grubbing. His whole character and mode of life stink with poisonous exhalations in my moral nostrils. Nature denounces, in her loud commination service, his clammy hand, his restless eye, his sinister and bestial mouth.

All your talk in that magazine about this being a land of the dollar, no ideals, no spirituality, a land of money-grubbers all that other stuff! Say, I want to tell you this is the least money-grubbing land there is! You people would know that if you had any subtlety. Maybe you did know it. We went into that scrap for an ideal, and we're the only country that did.