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But that's nothin'," he continued, with airy and pagan indifference; "we can arrange all that aisy enough. Love's stronger than religion any day. Ye know the owld song." And "His Majesty" trolled out one of his peculiar melodies: "There was a Ballyshannon spinster That fell in love wid a Prodes'an' min'ster; But the praste refused to publish the banns, So they both ran away to the Mussulmans."

Whar dey get de news fum I dunno. Dey sez ole mars'r is 'stracted en ole miss des put her thin lips tergedder ez ef she gwine ter hab her way ter de las' minit. Ez fer Marse Whately, you knows he al'ays hab his way, en ef dere isn't eny way he mek it. You sez de min'ster en folks is comin'? Hit des stumps me fer dem ter go on so ef dey hasn't de po'r."

I 've read it an' read it sence that; but I want to make ye see how it sounded to me, how I took it, as the min'ster telled it that summer day in Francony meetin'. Ye see I 'd no idee who the story was about, the man put it so plain, in common kind o' talk, without any come-to-passes an' whuffers an' thuffers, an' I never conceited 't was a Bible narr'tive.

"But what for the use?" asked Betsy, turning her large brown eyes solemnly on her companion. "It no seems too big to me. Besides, when brudder Gubbins give him to me he " "Who is brudder Gubbins?" asked Marie, with a look of smiling surprise. "Oh! you know. The min'ster Gubbins what come to the mission-station just afore me an' Waroonga left for Ratinga." "Oh!

Uncle Sheba hitched uneasily in his chair, feeling that the conversation rather reflected on him, and he was conscious that old Tobe, keeper of the "rasteran," was glaring at him. "I reckin," he said, "dat de min'ster might offer a word ob prar an' comfort fore he go." "What pressin' business," asked his wife, severely, "hab you got, Unc., dat you in sech a hurry fer de min'ster ter go?

"An' then he telled us about the day when this preacher come along by the lake a dreffle sightly place, this min'ster said; he 'd seed it hisself when he was trav'lin' in them countries an' come acrost two men he knowed well; they was brothers, an' they was a-fishin'. An' he jest asked 'em in his pleasant-spoken, frien'ly way there wa'n't never sech a drawin', takin', lovin' way with any one afore as this man had, the min'ster said he jest asked 'em to come along with him; an' they lay down their poles an' their lines an' everythin', an' jined him.

Queer enough I 'd seed him a-fishin'. I never knowed he was a min'ster; he did n't look like one. He went about like a real fisherman, with ole clo'es an' an ole hat with hooks stuck in it, an' big rubber boots, an' he fished, reely fished, I mean ketched 'em. I guess 't was that made me liss'n a leetle sharper 'n us'al, for I never seed a fishin' min'ster afore.

Just like that, 'Hands orf, wretch! And then he nips into the orfice an' marches fair up to the desk an' sy's like this we heerd him, havin' followed on to the door he s'ys, just like this: "'Orfficer, I am a min'ster o' the gospel, o' the Methodis' denomineye-tion, an' I'm deteyined agin my will along o' a pirate ship which has robbed certain parties o' val-able goods.

"Well, then," said the girl desperately, "they will have to use force all the way through. I'll never give my consent." "P'raps w'en de min'ster see dat he woan mar'y you." "That's just my hope," said the girl, "I " A quick step was heard and a moment later Mrs. Baron entered the cabin.

So I began to consider all de time 'bout de soul. Byme-by a Baptis' min'ster comed to de place, and massa and missus was converted. Den dey let us hab meetin's and de clersh'-man he comed and talked to us. I didn't comperhend much he said, 'caus I was young and foolish; but he telled a good many times 'bout dat ef we want to save our souls we mus be babtize and git under de Lord's table.