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I have seen three including that published in the Post. I understand about twenty have now been traced; and that they grow increasingly dramatic and detailed. Evidently some clever fellow who knows a great deal with a grudge against Meynell?" "Ye es," said France, with hesitation. "You suspect somebody?" "Not at all. It is a black business."

Manvers took the outstretched hand with a few mumbled words, but an evident look of pleasure. "I have just read your Bishop Butler article in the Quarterly," said Meynell eagerly. "Splendid! Have you seen it?" He turned to his hostess, with one of the rapid movements that expressed the constant energy of the man. Mrs. Flaxman shook her head. "I am an ignoramus except about music. I make Mr.

Meynell rushed impatiently on, his eyes fixed upon the hope-inspiring lights. "Hold! hold!" cried At

And at last the speaker arrived at the incident of the Grenoble visitor. "I naturally find this a very disagreeable task," he said, pausing a moment. He got, however, no help from Meynell, who was dumb; and he presently resumed "Judith Sabin saw the gentleman who came distinctly.

How long have you known this about Susan Meynell?" "Well, my dear boy, not very long." "But how long? A month two months? Yes; you have known Lenoble's position ever since you knew him; and Charlotte told me three months ago of Diana's engagement to Lenoble. Do you know that if Sheldon had succeeded, Charlotte's blood would have been upon your head?

"My bogies are as foolish as Barbara's," he said to himself with a smile as he went back to the daily toil of his letters. Meynell left the Palace shaken and exhausted. He carried in his mind the image of his Bishop, and he walked in bitterness of soul.

Barron looked troubled. "I am entirely at a loss," he said, emphatically. "Once or twice I have thought myself on the track. There is that man East, whose license Meynell opposed " "One of the 'aggrieved parishioners'," said the Bishop, raising his hands and eyebrows. "You regret, my lord, that we should be mixed up with such a person?

'If you were a gentleman, he said, 'you should pay dearly for your insolence. 'I'm ready to pay any price you like, answered James Halliday, as bold as brass; 'but as you weren't over fond of fighting abroad, where there was plenty to be got for it, I don't suppose you want to fight at home, where there's nothing to be got for it." "And did Susan Meynell hear this?" I asked.

Morphia had been given her liberally, and the relief was great. When the nurses came at midday, however, the pulse had already begun to fail. They could do nothing; and though within call, they left her mainly to those who loved her. In the early afternoon she asked suddenly for the Communion, and Meynell administered it. The three women who were watching her received it with her.

"Well, my lad, what with her fine dress, and what with her pretty looks, Susan Meynell seems to have thought a little too much of herself; so that when Montagu Kingdon, of Kingdon-place, younger brother to Lord Durnsville, fell in love with her, and courted her not exactly openly, but with the knowledge of her sister, Mrs.