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In these two respects Meynell was the representative of his own generation; while the influences flowing from his personal character and life were such that thousands who had never seen him loved and trusted him wholly.

After a day's delay I have obtained my tracing-paper, and made two tracings of the entries in the Meynell Bible, How intercourse with the Sheldonian race inclines one to the duplication of documents! I consider the copying-press of modern civilization the supreme incarnation of man's distrust of his fellow-men. I spent this afternoon and evening with my dear love my last evening in Yorkshire.

And when the circumstantial argument passed presently into the psychological even the theological this became the more evident. For in order to explain to himself and others how Meynell could possibly have behaved in a fashion so villainous, Barron had invented by now a whole psychological sequence.

She is described in that registry by her maiden name, and there is a plain headstone in a corner of the ground, inscribed with the name of Susan Meynell, who died July 14th, 1835, much lamented; and then the text about 'the one sinner that repenteth, and so on," said Mr. Sheldon, as if he did not care to dwell on so hackneyed a truism. "But," I began, "she might have been married, in spite of "

While these lamentable influences and events were thus sweeping Hester's life toward the abyss, mocking all the sacrifices and the efforts that had been made to save her, the publication of Barron's apology had opened yet another stage in "the Meynell case." As drafted by Flaxman, it was certainly comprehensive enough.

Once set talking, Georgy had told all she could tell, delighted to find herself listened to with obvious interest by her companion. "I trust that you have not deceived me, my dear father," Diana concluded, after setting forth the Meynell history.

I arrived just in time to catch this afternoon's post; and now I look impatiently to your Miss Charlotte Meynell, of Huxter's Cross. Yours, &c. I obeyed my employer to the letter; hired my landlord's dog-cart for another day's exploration; and went further afield in search of Miss Charlotte's marriage-lines.

The week passed, and the Dunchester meeting was at hand. Mary was to be the guest of one of the Canons in the famous Close. Meynell arrived to find the beautiful old town in commotion.

So, for some hours or more, Meynell and the six grappled with the letter that was to convey the challenge of the revolted congregations to the general public through the Times. It was not an easy matter, and some small jealousies and frictions lifted their heads that had been wholly lost sight of in the white-hot feeling of the inauguration meeting.

On the contrary, in the most obscure little journals of Paris I publish a modest little advertisement as from the brother of Susan Meynell, who implores his sister to visit him on his deathbed. Here are follies, you will say. Since Susan Meynell is dead it is thirty years, and her brother is dead also.