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But presently the initiated spread the news that it was Paul Mario who returned from the Western front, and because his reputation was greater than that of Gabrielle D'Annunzio or Charlie Chaplin, everyone sought to obtain a glimpse of him. He wore a heavy fur-lined coat and his eyes were dark with excitement.

Where did you think you saw me?" "Coming out of a picture gallery in Green Street." Joan did not flinch, nor drop her eyes from his. "Yes, you saw me," she replied. Then with a challenge in her voice she added distinctly, so that the words reached, as they were meant to reach, every one in that room. "I was with Mario Escobar." The room suddenly grew still.

Commodore Graham bent his head over the case of tubes which Hillyard had brought with him. "We'll have a look-out kept for these things. There have been none of them in England up till now." Martin Hillyard returned to the personality of Mario Escobar. "Did you suspect him before?" he asked. Commodore Graham pushed the cigarettes towards Hillyard. "Scotland Yard has kept an eye on him.

Rosa preferred to suffer proudly and await the hour when hunger or disease would at last blot out her memories of happy days and end this nightmare misery. Then, too, she dreaded any risk of discovery by old Mario de Castano, who was a hard, vindictive man.

Pete's fist slammed down on the desk. "Well, how are you going to stop them? The law of the land is sitting out there in that ship. Tomorrow morning he's coming back here to install his fat little friend as governor. He has guns and soldiers on that ship to back him up. What are you going to do about it?" "Fight it," Mario said. "How?" Jack Mario looked around the room.

But let me know at the Club by what train she is arriving and I shall endeavour to meet her. We cannot expect Mario to attend to these details; he has a duty to the world, which only a man of his genius could perform." Mr. Nevin adjusted his pince-nez. "Very remarkable, Captain Courtier," he said gravely; "a very strange and strong personality Mr. Paul Mario.

"Huh," says I. "You better stick around until tomorrow noon. I want you to hear what I've got to feed to that bond-room bunch." Jonesey shakes his head. No, he'd rather not. And as he shuffles back to his old files I hears him mumblin', sort of soft and easy: "Donna Mario. Ah, yes! Donna Mario!" Which proves, don't it, that you can't always tell.

It was agreed that for one hundred dollars Mario Carlo would receive all three of us as passengers, that he would furnish a room simply but comfortably, that papa would share this room with us, that Mario would supply our table, and that his wife would serve as maid and laundress.

They said he was a native of Mount Eryx and a shoemaker by trade. We returned to our places and sat talking, smoking, eating American pea-nuts and waiting. The audience, which consisted of men of the class of life to which Mario belonged, all knew one another; most of them met there every evening.

The wind rose to fury, and now the rain fell in torrents. We descended to our rooms. Papa was asleep. We did not disturb him, though we were greatly frightened.... Joseph and Gordon went below to sleep. Mario and his son loosed the three bull-dogs, but first removed the planks that joined the boat to the shore.