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Duncalf Mr. Duncalf! She raised a finger at him. 'You are the most shameless flatterer in the town. The flatterer was flattered. Having delivered the weighty news, he had leisure to savour his own importance as the bearer of it. He drank a cup of tea. Josiah was thoughtful, but Clara brimmed over with a fascinating loquacity. Then Mr.

Then he tried the lock, and pronounced it adequate; he didn't want to have Flack meddling round. Now, at the moment of parting with his treasure, he was seized with a sudden fever of secrecy. Bessie meanwhile hovered about the two men, full of excitement and loquacity. And the children, shut into the kitchen, wondered what could be the matter.

I've seen a betterer day, in course; but I've also seen many a much worser day, and days at this time of year, you know, are apt to change sometimes, in course, for the betterer sometimes, in course, for the worser. 'Is it a frost? snapped Mr. Sponge, tired of his loquacity. 'Is it a frost? repeated Mr. Leather thoughtfully; 'is it a frost?

He hung on my lips breathless, with a face so distorted that, though it might have been death alone he hated, he looked, indeed, as if impatient to set to and tear me to pieces with his long teeth. Men clutching at straws must have faces thus convulsed by an eager and despairing hope. His silence removed the spell the spell of his incredible loquacity.

Paganel, who generally shared in an exaggerated form the feelings of those about him, whether painful or joyous a man who could have invented hope if necessary even Paganel was gloomy and taciturn. He was seldom visible; his natural loquacity and French vivacity gave place to silence and dejection. He seemed even more downhearted than his companions.

In this microcosm he represented the French agitation and loquacity, and it was worthily represented. The day, or rather for the expression is not correct the lapse of twelve hours which makes a day upon earth was ended by a copious supper carefully prepared.

And, indeed, when we praise those undiscoverable girls so happily educated by chance, so well endowed by nature, whose delicate souls endure so well the rude contact of the great soul of him we call a man, we mean to speak of those rare and noble creatures of whom Goethe has given us a model in his Claire of Egmont; we are thinking of those women who seek no other glory than that of playing their part well; who adapt themselves with amazing pliancy to the will and pleasure of those whom nature has given them for masters; soaring at one time into the boundless sphere of their thought and in turn stooping to the simple task of amusing them as if they were children; understanding well the inconsistencies of masculine and violent souls, understanding also their slightest word, their most puzzling looks; happy in silence, happy also in the midst of loquacity; and well aware that the pleasures, the ideas and the moral instincts of a Lord Byron cannot be those of a bonnet-maker.

As to Mark, he only kissed his aunt, and shook hands with her, while his father ran on with an unusual loquacity that was a proof of nervousness in him. 'Mrs. Egremont Jane, I mean will be here after luncheon. She thought you would like to get settled in first. How is Alwyn? Is he down yet? 'I will see, in a trembling voice.

'In countenance, wrote a friend, 'he appeared to be of a stern and rough temper, but in his conversation mild and affable; not given to loquacity or to much discourse in company unless some urgent occasion required it; observing never to boast of himself or his parts, but rather to seem low in his own eyes, and submit himself to the judgment of others; abhorring lying and swearing, being just, in all that lay in his power, to his word; not seeming to revenge injuries, loving to reconcile differences and make friendships with all.

Smith was already asleep, and so safe from my loquacity I carefully folded the two magnificent rainbow-hued silk handkerchiefs which good Mrs. Gabbitas had given me, and stowed them away at the very bottom of my ancient carpet-bag. The sort of remarks which I had been addressing to the moon were not remarks which I ever should have dreamed of addressing to any human being.