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Updated: September 9, 2024
"Umph!" ejaculated Ted, as they descended to the bold rocky coast, where the celebrated pirate of old was wont to mount guard over the Mediterranean. "Betterer for you trust to de sea," said Rais. "True for ye, boy seein' that I'm a say-farin' man," returned Ted.
'Twas no evil deed when we mingled, nor lieth doom therein. Thou lovely man, thou black-haired, thou shalt die and have done no ill. Fame-crowned are the deeds of thy doing, and the mouths of men they fill. Thou betterer of the Godfolk, enduring is thy fame: Yet as a painted image of a dream is thy dreaded name. Of an alien folk thou comest, that we twain might be one indeed.
"Uncle 'Ichard is blind," lisped the little girl, while the boy rejoined, "but the bestest man that ever lived. Why, he's betterer than father, I guess, for I asked ma wan't he, and pa told me yes." "Hush-sh, child," returned the stranger, fearing lest they might attract too much attention. Then removing the shade, his eyes rested long and wistfully upon the little boy and girl as he said,
"Then what is it, Mamie?" "Lemme git my bref, suh, an' you hole yo'ne whiles I tell you! She say to me, she say: 'Is you 'quainted Maje' Vanrevel, Mamie? s' she, an' I up'n' ansuh, 'Not to speak wid, but dey ain; none on 'em I don' knows by sight, an' none betterer dan him, I say.
But," she says, the tears a-fillin in her eyes, "you knows much betterer than me, with your experienge, how little puts us out. A Punch's show," she says, "a chimbley sweep, a newfundlan dog, or a drunkin man a-comin round the corner sharp may do it."
I ha' seen the like o' such in Montreal delicate critters, that you wouldn't hardly think knowed the use of a fryin'-pan when they see'd it, an' couldn't lift one if they was to git a handful o' dollars. I guess these ain't much betterer nohow.
Sing it again! Now I know what's coming, I'll like it such a lots betterer." Marise cried out in indignant protest, "Mark! When I've sat here for ten minutes singing to you, and all the work to do, and the sun getting like red-hot fire every minute." "What must you got to do?" asked Mark, challengingly.
"Don't be giddy; I'm hideous; so behave, and answer all my questions. Oh, I'm so unhappy. Answer me, is young people, or old people, goodest?" "You should say best, dear. Good, better, best. Why, old people, to be sure much." "So I thought; and that is why I am so puzzled. Then your papa and mine are much betterer will that do? than we are?" "Of course they are." "There he goes!
I've seen a betterer day, in course; but I've also seen many a much worser day, and days at this time of year, you know, are apt to change sometimes, in course, for the betterer sometimes, in course, for the worser. 'Is it a frost? snapped Mr. Sponge, tired of his loquacity. 'Is it a frost? repeated Mr. Leather thoughtfully; 'is it a frost?
"'Tis like a glimpse o' paradise," exclaimed Reuben, as the whole party rested on their paddles for a few minutes to gaze upon it. "Ho!" exclaimed Swiftarrow, with a nod to his friend, which evidently was meant for assent. "Betterer nor the Hudson," said Ducette, one of the Canadians, with a look of admiration. "Does it beat Scottisland, monsieur?" asked Lawrence, with a somewhat sly expression.
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