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Updated: August 23, 2024

The chist av drawers was lyin' on uts face, wid all the dhrawers out an' emptied on the flure. 'Twas as though an arrmy had been lootin', sor!" "But still nothing was gone?" "Nothin', so far as I investigated, sor. But I didn't shtay. I came out to spake to the polis, an' two av them laffed at me wan afther another!" "It has certainly been no laughing matter for you.

"Ah! and what do you think of the Uhlans?" He sniffed. "Rotten, sir! They never gives us a chawnce. They ain't no good except for lootin'. Regular 'ooligans. We charged 'em up near Mons, our orficer goin' ahead 'bout eight yards, and when we got up to 'em 'e drops back into our line.

Now, I hear, that there mayor has issued an order, which is to be pasted up all over, that any man caught lootin' anything, saloons or otherwise, is to be shot dead and no questions asked. Good job, that. I guess we're in for high old times, miss. I'm makin' for Oakland, where I live. I brought in a load last evenin' and stopped over.

I was flung plumb out of bed and against the wall, and the house next to mine, or the one I war in, went plumb out into the middle of the street. Lord! what a yellin' there was inside! Nobody hurt, but one woman went plumb out'r her mind. They've got her tied to the bed-post now. And what a lootin' of saloons there was until the soldiers marched in!

Anyhow, the evidence is dead agin you, an' I'd arrest my own grand-dad if they give me a warrant agin him." "What evidence is there?" "Five men swear they saw ye haulin' the bodies about, and lootin' the pockets." Then Keith understood, his heart beating rapidly, his teeth clenched to keep back an outburst of passion.

"Can I rely on you? You shall have a hundred dollars if you let no one steal it; and if the fire should reach this side, you are welcome to a refuge on my ranch." "I'll see daylight through any one that looks at it," said Mr. Clatt. "This ain't no time to stand on ceremony. The army's called out already to help the police keep order the lootin' was disgraceful for about an hour.

"Peter Bellingham!" gasped Raffles under his breath, and then we saluted and tried to pass on, with the bottles ringing like church-bells under our khaki. But Captain Bellingham was a hard man. "What have you men been doin'?" drawled he. "Nothing, sir," we protested, like innocence with an injury. "Lootin' 's forbidden," said he. "You had better let me see those bottles."

Involuntary bankruptcy found his sanctimonious old cashier'd been sanctimoniously lootin' the till for eighteen years." He paused, and eyed his cigar. "Well, Mirabelle's cut more or less off the same piece. Lord, I wish she could go through some kind of bankruptcy, if 't would shake her up like it did father." "It shook him up, did it?" inquired Henry, fidgeting.

In spite o' me!" defended the cook, shaking his fat jowls earnestly. "Hi rebooked 'em, sor. Says Hi, 'Gents, this is lootin', it is piratin', it is " "You should have refused them a drop!" "Refuse Hi did refuse, sor! Hi did more. Hi blocked 'em! Hi Hi fought hout, like a demon, sor! There were too many! Hoverpowered me, sor, they did!

Lootin' was awful and General Funston has ordered out the troops. Pipes broken and not a drop of water. They're goin' to dynamite, but only the fire-chief knew how. Everybody says the whole city'll go, Doomed, that's what it is. Better let me tell Mike to harness up and drive you down to San Mateo." Mrs.

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