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According to your request, we hasten to forward you the earliest intimation of the fact. "We are, sir, faithfully yours, "F. LEVISON, Esq." It was over, then, and all claim to the name of Carlyle was declared to have been forfeited by the Lady Isabel forever. Captain Levison folded up the letter, and placed it securely in an inner pocket. "Is there any news?" she asked. "News!"

Richard, touching Thorn," debated the attorney; "but it's next to impossible to take in so astounding a fact as that he is Sir Francis Levison." "You can satisfy yourself of the fact from other lips than mine," said Richard. "Otway Bethel could testify to it if he would, though I doubt his willingness. But there's Ebenezer James." "What does he know about it?" asked the attorney, in surprise.

She's clacking her clavvers wi' yon lad frae the 'Hereward Arm. But here she is now, me young leddy," answered the housekeeper, as the maid entered the room and placed in her mistress' hand a note and a small parcel, tied up in white paper with narrow white ribbon, and sealed with the Hereward crest. Miss Levison opened the note and read: "HEREWARD ARMS INN, Tuesday Morning.

Carlyle, his wife, and sister, who were taking an after-dinner stroll amidst the flowers with their guest, Francis Levison, discerned them, and came up. The children, except the youngest, were of the party. Lady Isabel warmly welcomed Mrs. Hare; she had become quite attached to the delicate and suffering woman.

"Sir Lemuel," said the marquis, with some irrepressible emotion, "were I now really the Duke of Hereward, and the owner of Lone, and were your lovely daughter as dowerless as I am penniless at this moment, and did you give her to me, my deepest gratitude would be due you, and you have it now. When may I see Miss Levison and put my fate to the test?" "That's right.

"My lord," said Lady Belgrade, who stood by too deeply awed for tears, and up to this moment for action either "my lord, you had better go out of the room for the present, and take all these men with you, and leave Miss Levison to the care of myself and the women. This is all unspeakably horrible! But our first care should be for her.

On whom he depended, to make a home for him in his declining years, when he should have made a few more millions of millions upon which to retire! And now this long neglected daughter had found consolation in devotion, and wished to take the vail which was to hide her forever from the world! Sir Lemuel Levison hastened to France, and brought his daughter back to England.

The white hand, the ring, the motion for he was always doing it all reminded me of Captain Levison; and from that hour until to-day I believed him to be the man Richard saw. To-day Richard tells me that he knows Sir Francis Levison, and that he and Thorn are intimate.

Some liabilities, for which I have furnished the money, the creditors swear have not been liquidated. He must come over if he wants anything done." "Where is he to come to? He must be in England sub rosa." "He can't be here," hastily rejoined Sir Peter. "Lady Levison would not have him for a day." "He might be at East Lynne," good-naturedly observed Mr. Carlyle.

"None, Detective Keightley called on me yesterday for some information regarding the stolen property, and I furnished him with a photograph of that snuff-box given to Sir Lemuel Levison by the Sultan of Turkey the gold one richly set with precious stones. Sir Lemuel had it photographed by my advice, for identification in case of its being stolen. And he left several duplicate copies with me.