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There was no response to this and he stepped back and said to Susan: "Go slowly up the hill backward and keep your eyes on them. Don't look afraid." She immediately began to retreat with slow, short steps. Leff, gasping with fear, moved with her, his speed accelerating with each moment. David a few paces in advance followed them. The Indians watched in a tranced intentness of observation.

"I use' ter rock yer to sleep wid you kickin' yer heels an' doublin' yer fists, an' callin' me ole fool, an' I singin': "'Lil chile Dory, Shaky's lil lam', Mudder's gone to heaven, Shaky leff behime To care for lil chile Dory, Shaky's lil lam'. Doan' you 'member it, honey, an' doan' you member me? I'm Shaky, I is."

She saw it at once, but forebore looking at it, keeping her eyes on his face, up which the red color ran. "Oh, Leff," she said with careless amiability, "so you've got back." Leff grunted an agreeing monosyllable and moved the strawberries to a position where they intruded into the conversation like a punctuation mark in the middle of a sentence.

Now you tell me what flag I b'longs undah. "Wen we gits back to de ship, de boys tells me some English sailors beat Jack up in de sportin' house. Sumbuddy sing out 'Beat it de marines comin'!, an' dey all run for de ship an leff Jack dere. "I don't ahsk no mo' questions; jes' start back on a run to find my buddy. At dat time I weigh 180, an' was pretty husky fer my age.

Men and their passions should stand outside in that sacred hour when a woman is at prayer. Leff had no such high fancies. He only knew the sight of Susan made him dumb and drove away all the wits he had. Now she looked so aloof, so far removed from all accustomed things, that the sense of her remoteness added gloom to his embarrassment.

D'yer see as she's leff off her ring?" Marcella looked at Emily's left hand, while the girl flushed all over, and ironed with a more fiery energy than before. "I've 'eerd such things of 'im, Nurse, this last two days," she said with low vehemence "as I'm never goin' to wear it again. It 'ud burn me!" Emily was past twenty. Some eighteen months before this date she had married a young painter.

In them days wen I went a gunnin arter Jabez, I uster to think ez thar wuzn't no sech varmint ez a Tory, but I didn't know nothin bout lawyers, and sheriffs them times. I callate ye could cut five Tories aout o' one lawyer an make a dozen skunks aout o' what wuz leff over. I'm a goin hum." This was the signal for a general break-up.

The group he looked at was as idyllically peaceful as wayfarers might be after the heat and burden of the day. Rest, fellowship, a healthy simplicity of food and housing were all in the picture either visibly or by implication. "Throw me the soap, Leff," he called, "I forgot it." The soap lay on the top of a meal sack, a yellow square, placed there by David on his way to the water.

It was fantastic and David wished he dared join his voice to hers and not let her kneel there alone as if hers was the only soul that needed strengthening. Susan, the young, the innocent-eyed, the pure. He had come again the next Sunday Leff went hunting that morning and felt that some day, not so far distant, he would dare to kneel too and respond.

Next time I go wandering I'll take the bacon with me and then I'll be perfectly safe." "Your father wouldn't like it. I've heard him tell you not to go off this way alone." "Well, who could I take? I don't like to ask father to go out into the sun and Daddy John was asleep, and Leff I didn't see Leff anywhere." "I was there," he said, dropping his eyes. "You were under the wagon reading Byron.