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He fell silent. There had been genuine surprise in his voice. Perhaps he was recalling her as he had seen her at the Kursaal boyishly slender, her eager, pointed face alight with gay enthusiasm and amusement. One, two, three nine strokes. The sound of a clock striking came wafted faintly across from the shore. Ann started up. "I must get back!" she exclaimed. "I'd forgotten all about the time."

"You're one of the people who believe that if you think and believe them hard enough, your dreams will come true, aren't you? I remember your flinging that bit of philosophy in my face the first time we met at the Kursaal." "Yes," she acquiesced. "But if you haven't any, they can't come true, can they?"

'Oh, no, Marian replied: 'it did not seem to belong to anybody. Mr. Carter that was the name of our landlord said it was there in the wall when he took the house, which was then very small and low, with only two or three rooms. He bought it because of the situation, which, though very quiet and pleasant, was so near the Kursaal that we could always hear the music without going to the garden.

Go and look at those poor devils yonder, and you will see what that is worth," he cried, pointing to the lighted Kursaal; "there you behold the one great truth of the universe in action. There is nothing but money, and men are the slaves of money, and life is only another name for the pursuit of money.

"But hang it all, don't make a fellow worse than he is! Why should I invent a sick friend? I suppose I have a right to go to the Kursaal if I choose. At any rate, I mean to go to-morrow afternoon, and win a pot of money. Hinder me who can." Zoe beamed with pleasure. "That spiteful old woman! I am ashamed of myself. Of course you have.

I seed you go by into the Kursaal, and laid in wait for you, sir. I made bold to bring Mother o' Pearl for myself." And Rake stopped, breathless and hoarse with passion and grief that he would not utter. He had heard more than he said. "For yourself?" echoed Cecil. "What do you mean? My good fellow, I am ruined. I shall be beggared from to-night utterly.

Outside, in the glare of the great arc lights, and within sound of the surf which beats always at the very foot of the Kursaal, the Juno of the red hat summoned a fiacre and drove rapidly away. Racksole and the Prince took an open carriage and started in pursuit.

It was at Homburg, several years ago, before the gaming had been suppressed. The evening was very warm, and all the world was gathered on the terrace of the Kursaal and the esplanade below it to listen to the excellent orchestra; or half the world, rather, for the crowd was equally dense in the gaming-rooms around the tables. Everywhere the crowd was great.

The night was perfect, the season was at its height, the open windows of the Kursaal sent long shafts of unnatural light into the dusky woods, and now and then, in the intervals of the music, one might almost hear the clink of the napoleons and the metallic call of the croupiers rise above the watching silence of the saloons.

You admire the Kursaal, and you are right; then do just ask yourself why is there nothing to pay for so many expensive enjoyments: and very little to pay for concerts and balls; low prices at the opera, which never pays its own expenses; even Chevet's dinners are reasonable, if you avoid his sham Johannisberg.