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The Count held him by the other arm, and in this fashion they emerged on the square, which now lay in darkness save for the many lights twinkling under the arcade and in the windows of the gaming-rooms above it.

He then fixed a nettled and unsatisfied gaze upon the gaming-rooms, and in another minute or two left the Casino also. Dare and Somerset met no more that day. The latter returned to Nice by the evening train and went straight to the hotel. He now thanked his fortune that he had not precipitately given up his room there, for a telegram from Paula awaited him.

The great German watering-place is one of the prettiest nooks in Europe, and of a summer evening in the gaming days, five-and-twenty years ago, it was one of the most brilliant scenes. Longueville, noting all this, went straight into the gaming-rooms; he was curious to see whether his friend, being fond of experiments, was trying combinations at roulette.

The fact was that a rich financier, Ivan Yakowleff, who had offices in Petrograd and in London, for certain personal services rendered to the Tsar the buying off of an unwelcome female entanglement, it is said had been granted a concession to establish public gaming-rooms at Otchakov, on the Black Sea, not far from Odessa.

In the train there were restaurants, gaming-rooms, athletic arenas, telegraphic, commercial, and financial offices, a Protestant Church, and the printing-office of a great newspaper, which latter the doctor was unable to read, as he did not know the language of the New Atlantans.

Yet why did this conviction take such a hold upon me at the time, and remain with me ever since? Previously, I had thought of the idea, not as an occurrence which was ever likely to come about, but as something which NEVER could come about. In the gaming-rooms there were still a large number of people, but not half as many as had been present in the morning.

"I object to being called a necessity," said Angela Vivian. "It diminishes one's merit." "Ah, but it enhances the charm of life!" "For men, doubtless!" "The charm of life is very great," Bernard went on, looking up at the dusky hills and the summer stars, seen through a sort of mist of music and talk, and of powdery light projected from the softly lurid windows of the gaming-rooms.

Bernard spent the evening in the gaming-rooms, in the thick of the crowd that pressed about the tables, and by way of a change he had hitherto been almost nothing of a gambler he laid down a couple of pieces at roulette. He had played but two or three times, without winning a penny; but now he had the agreeable sensation of drawing in a small handful of gold.

Her feeling about such a matter would be large and original. Bernard desired to see more of that, and in the evening, in fact, it seemed to him that he did so. The terrace of the Casino was far from offering the brilliant spectacle of the promenade in front of the gaming-rooms at Baden.

The landlord is married, and very careful that everything is carried on in an orderly manner. Women are not admitted into the gaming-rooms, or even into the parlors of the house. An elegant supper is served up, every evening, to frequenters and visitors. "At this very moment a footman came and announced supper.