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Keegan the while was sitting in her cold, dark, little back parlour, meditating the awful punishment to be visited on the delinquent when he did return home. Vain woman, there she sat till four, while Hyacinth lay happy beneath the table; nor did he return home, till brought on the waiter's back, at eight the next morning.

Keegan, £1 a week is too little for the owld man; make it £100 a year for his life, and give Feemy £300, so that she, poor girl, may have some chance of neither begging or starving, if she shouldn't get married, and I'll not go against the bargain. I'd get a bit of land somewhere, though I couldn't be a tenant on Ballycloran.

Mary took great pains to set him right, and bellowed into his ear as if he were deaf instead of stupid, twenty times a day, that Thady was to be tried for Ussher's death; but Larry couldn't be got to remember that Ussher was dead, and would continually ask his daughter when her lover was coming back to live with them, and defend them and the property against the machinations of Keegan and her brother.

"May I nivir see that day, an' he an' I alive, amen," said Brady, as he crossed himself in sign of the sacred truth of his wish; "but I think, Masthur Thady, when you come to consider of it, you'll find plenty of manes of keepin' Mr. Keegan and Mrs. Keegan out of the parlour of Ballycloran. But about Joe Reynolds, yer honor was sayin' "

"I'll tell you, father, who'd be proud of the job and he's quite a gentleman now, since he got an estate of his own and that's Cynthy Keegan. It'd be great fun to see him stepping the ground, and he only with one foot." "By heavens, George, you're a born fool; must you have your d d joke, when I'm talking so seriously?" "Upon my soul, then, if it were myself, I'd send for Keegan.

When Keegan heard old Macdermot break out in this way, he was obliged to turn round: so he walked up to the fire, and said, "Mr. Macdermot, may I ask who you are speaking of?" Larry was again commencing, when Thady held him down gently, and said, "It's not so asy, Mr.

Thady's unusual intoxication last night his brutal conduct to his sister to Ussher, and to himself the men with whom he had been drinking his own knowledge of the feeling the young man entertained towards Keegan, and the hatred the tenants felt for the attorney all these things conspired to convince Father John that McGovery had too surely overheard a conversation, which, if repeated to Keegan, might probably, considering how many had been present at it, give him a desperate hold over young Macdermot, which he would not fail to use, either by frightening him into measures destructive to the property, or by proceeding criminally against him.

Then he half resolved to have nothing more to do with Reynolds and his followers, and to quiet his conscience while yet he possibly could; but the insolence of Keegan, the injuries of Ussher, and the sure enmity of those whom he had sworn to join, and now scarcely dared to desert, stifled his remorse, and destroyed the resolution before it was half made.

But he has failed times have been against him legal costs have so swelled the legal interest as to consume the whole rents those rents he has been unable to collect, and his life has been one manful struggle against poverty and Mr. Keegan; and I could not wish my worst foe two more inveterate enemies.

Though Keegan failed to gain admission into the house, and could not therefore put himself into absolute possession of the estate, still he could do what he pleased with the lands, and he was not long in availing himself of the power.