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"Katz and Cullen!" was the answer. "I see," Will said musingly. "But we mustn't permit father to remain here," Chester cut in. "All these questions can be answered at another time." "That's right," Will agreed. "And I'll go to the cavern and ask some of the men to carry your father out." The boy was back in five minutes with Sheriff Pete and Deputy Seth.

There were two to help him spend it, remember Bob Katz and Hank Burton. Those three would make it fly." There were extenuating circumstances about what Lafe Wynn had done. The extenuating circumstances were wrapped up in his unscrupulous brother. Gerald had told Lafe a pretty fiction about needing money to save him from dishonor and Lafe had covered himself with dishonor in order to help Gerald.

As the head of the bound man fell back on the pillow of the bed, his face was brought clearly into the full light of the candle. "By thunder!" gasped Clancy, startled. "What do you think of that?" murmured the bewildered Burton. "Katz, or I'm a Hottentot!" whispered Hill. There followed a few moments of silence, during which the three at the cotside exchanged wondering glances.

Thinking this an attempt to break away, Katz caught the lad by the arm and held fast to him while the others went by. Sandy was certain that he heard Tommy's voice as the two passed, but was not certain that he recognized the voice of his companion in the low reply which was made. The boy realized that he must have occupied considerable time in his return to camp, after leaving his chum.

As Lilian Katz observed in her important paper, "Distinctions between Self-Esteem and Narcissism: Implications for Practice", published by the Educational Resources Information Center, the line between enhancing self-esteem and fostering narcissism is often blurred by educators and parents.

The boys saw both Wagner and Chester were provided with congenial situations. After the boys had been in Chicago a couple of weeks they met Katz and Cullen on Clark street. The detectives flamed red in the face at sight of the boys, but were very humble when addressing them. "We have forgotten what took place in Wyoming," Katz said significantly. "And so have we," replied Tommy.

A table was between them, and upon the table was a battered satchel of small dimensions. Katz reached for Clancy's arm and gave it a quick pressure. "That's the grip with the money!" he whispered. "What's the reason we can't get hold of it?" "We've got to get hold of it, somehow," returned Clancy. "Suppose you go aft and yell for Hogan?

In the yellow gloom, the odors of food permeating it, they filed out and up the dim lit stairs into dim-lit halls, the line of conversation and short laughter drifting after. A door slammed. Then another. Irving Katz leaped from his third floor threshold to the front hearth, quaking three layers of chandeliers.

Among these directors, active members of the city committee, chairmen of standing committees and devoted workers not elsewhere mentioned were Mesdames Edwin Rouse, Jr., chairman of the city committee; Caleb Athey, Harvey Bickel, C. C. Peffer, J. W. Putts, John Parker, A. Morris Carey, C. C. Heath; Esther Moses and Esther Katz.

"I don't know anything about Cullen," Tommy answered with a grin, "but I know that the man Katz is a false alarm. You should have seen him take to his heels last night, when the train robbers rushed through the camp. I'd like to know what he's in here for, anyway!" "That's the very thing I'm here to explain!" replied Johnson.