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The hammer fell from Ike's hands upon the anvil. "'Twar ye ez Grig Beemy war a-waitin' fur thar on the mounting in the mist!" he cried out, recognizing the man's odd gesture, which Jube had unconsciously imitated. Doubtless the dollar was offered to Jube afterward, exactly as it had been offered to him. And Jube had taken it.

Jube had brought the difficulty all on himself, and surely it was not incumbent on Ike to share the danger. But he was swayed by a sudden uncontrollable impulse. "Drap off'n the critter, turn him loose, an' I'll lope down the road a piece, an' they'll foller me, in the mist." He might have done a wiser thing. But it was a tough problem at best, and he had only a moment in which to decide.

"Birt can't go a-diggin' no-ways, this evenin'," put in the officious Rufe, who stood, according to his wont, listening with his mouth and eyes wide open, "'kase ez I kem home by the tanyard Jube Perkins hollered ter me ter tell Birt ter come thar right quick. I furgot it till this minit," he added, with a shade of embarrassment that might pass for apology. Birt felt a prophetic thrill.

Then it tightened, and I felt the quivering soft weight resist my muscles. Other hands joined, and Jube swung off his feet. "No one was masked. We knew each other. Not even the Culprit's face was covered, and the last I remember of him as he went into the air was a look of sad reproach that will remain with me until I meet him face to face again.

"See here, Houghton," remarked jolly Mr. Willoughby, "earthquakes and secret conferences with my wife are more than a fellow can stand at one and the same time." "You shall soon have consolation," said George, hastening away, followed by Clancy, Aun' Sheba, Jube, and Sam. When the last-named worthy appeared near Mr. Houghton's barn the horses whinnied and the two dogs barked joyously. "Mr.

"Then perhaps we're going to receive the surrender of Early and all his men." Dick laughed. "I've heard that old Jube Early is one of the hardest swearers in the Southern army," he said, "and I've heard, too, that he's just as hard a fighter. I don't think he'll be handing us his surrender on a silver platter at Charlestown or anywhere else." "I know it," said Warner.

He had intended only to divert the pursuit from Jube, who, although free from any great wrong-doing, was exposed to the most serious misconstruction. The knowledge of the pursuers' revolvers had made this a hard thing to do, but otherwise he had not thought of himself, nor of what he should say when overtaken. They would question him; he must answer. Would they believe his story?

The shadows of evening were sifting through it, when Ike's mother went to the shop, much perturbed because the cow had not come, and she could not find Jube to send after her. "Ike kin go, I reckon," said the blacksmith. So Ike mounted his mare and set out through the thick white vapor.

Hope grew stronger with the blessed light, and fear vanished with the darkness. Mr. Houghton touched his son, who immediately awoke, meditating deeds of hospitality. "Father," he said, "our house is near. Cannot I, with the aid of Jube and Sam, get our friends some breakfast?" "Yes, George, and extend the invitation from me." "Oh, father! I'm so grateful that you are giving me this chance to to "

"How can you think of such a thing? Suppose you were to miss your shot, and kill that unfortunate boy?" "I won't suppose no such thing, Sir. I can't miss it. I couldn't miss it if I was to try. Hold your head steady, Jube and if I did, it's no great matter.