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Gaiety and laughter and comradeship and "joshing" are here among men to whom wounds and death are a part of the game. One may challenge high explosives with a smile, no less than ancient round shot. Settle down behind the parapet, and the little incongruities of a trench, paltry without the intimacy of men and locality, make for humour no less than in a shop or a factory.

"It's made of something more substantial than straw." A gleeful roar went up from some of the other "beasts." Lieutenant Gerould eyed them in surprise, for this Army officer was one of the few at West Point who had not already heard of number three sentry's capture. It was a fortnight ere Cadet Prescott could feel really secure against more "joshing" over the incident.

He separated his hands and emphasized his answer with one shaking forefinger. "Can't you see," he said, "what a rattling fine story it would make? You could do it fine. All about the romance, you know, and describe the girl, and put a lot of stuff in it about true love, and sling in a few stickfuls of funny business joshing the Long Islanders about being green, and, well you know how to do it.

I you always take things so seriously. I was just 'joshing' you, as Fernando says. Of course you do! Won't you shake hands?" He strode forward. The girl drew off her gauntlet and extended her hand. "Let's begin over again," she said as he shook hands with her. "We've both been acting." Before she was aware of his intent, he bowed his head and kissed her fingers.

We're all good friends in our little troop we have more fun than you could shake a stick at, joshing each other about different kinds of heroic stunts, to win an honor medal, and some of them have thought up the craziest things " "I wish you could stay," said Tom. "Well, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride, as some old duffer said."

And, by the way, I'm glad you chaps took my little joke so decently and didn't get waxy about it. If you had, I'd probably have told it around and you'd have got a lot of joshing. As it is, no one knows it and no one will. Good-night." And Miller, his suit-case in hand, smiled, nodded and went out. They could hear him whistling merrily until the landing door had closed behind him.

These best of friends spent an hour and a half daily, at luncheon, "picking" on each other, telling tales on each other, eternally "joshing" for the edification of a coterie of their lumber and shipping friends who always lunched in a private dining room at the Commercial Club and who were known within that organization as the Bilgewater Club.

Over in the railed-in space, where the hundreds of telegraph instruments were in place, the operators were arriving in twos and threes. They hung their hats and ulsters upon the pegs in the wall back of them, and in linen coats, or in their shirt-sleeves, went to their seats, or, sitting upon their tables, called back and forth to each other, joshing, cracking jokes.

Berwick threw back his head and laughed heartily. "There is no getting away from it, Jim, you have a good opinion of yourself." This gave Jim a certain shock as the expression of his face showed. "I was only joshing," he said, and there was a slight sense of hurt in his tones that Berwick was quick to recognize. "That's all right, old chap," he said, "your head is level."

He would notify the postmaster in Prouty to hold out his mail for him and thus escape further "joshing" from Kate, who would be sure to observe letters addressed to him in feminine writing. The matrimonial paper had proved to be in the nature of a debauch to Bowers, who had worn it to tatters poring over its columns.