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"One might almost think that he was joshing me," said Bateman, flushing. "It reads like that, but it must be unintentional. That's so unlike Edward." "He says nothing about coming back." "If I weren't so confident of his love I should think.... I hardly know what I should think." It was then that Bateman had broached the scheme which during the afternoon had formed itself in his brain.

She had called it "joshing," and had put it all aside, just as she had parried the rude jests of the brakemen of her acquaintance. Now she saw that he had been in earnest. She was wise beyond her years, this calm-faced, keen-eyed girl, trained by adversity to take care of herself.

Well, we talked on a while, both of us sort of joshing her on her dog deal, until she gets up and goes away from the little table where she is setting and stands in front of the window, looking out, her teacup in her hand. All at once she says: "Good Lord!" "What's wrong?" says her pa, and we all holler at her.

At that there was a general bustling. "Why didn't you wake me up in time to save me from all the joshing?" Darry demanded, with a note of reproach in his voice, as soon as he got a chance to speak with Dick alone. "Tom Reade won't be through all summer with tormenting me about being asleep at the switch."

"Any time that suits you to-morrow, eh?" "To-morrow be it," said the Englishman. "Now, then, Stillwell," said Captain Jack, with a curt nod at him. "Whenever you are ready." "Oh, come, Maitland. I was only joshing, you know. You don't want to play with me to-day," said Stillwell, not relishing the look on Maitland's face. "We can have a set any time." "No!" said Maitland shortly.

"A cry, Julius, do you say?" exclaimed Horatio, his eyes growing round now with increasing wonder and thrilling interest, "do you really and truly mean that, or are you only joshing?" "Well," the narrator went on to say soberly, "two fellows told me they'd heard that same shriek.

Besides, I always did like to gather things in." "We'll remember that, Landy," threatened Lil Artha, "the next time we need a big supply of firewood. You've fixed it up good and tight, and you'll find us the most obliging lot of scouts east of the Rockies." After considerable fussing and joshing, they managed finally to get "fixed."

Amazement grew in her eyes, amazement and a kind of fear. "Quit joshing!" she implored him, and he found it difficult to cope with her style of conversation. For a while she gazed helplessly at the bill of fare. "I guess you'll think it's funny," she said hesitatingly, "but I feel just like a good beefsteak and potatoes. Bring a thick one, Walter." The waiter sauntered off.

Meanwhile, a diversion had been created in the hall by the joshing that the Suggs' ranch outfit had directed toward the fiddler, who knew only one tune, and sawed that off for a waltz, quadrilles, and two-steps, without fear or favor. The musician had been engaged because he was a friend of the beneficiary, and had volunteered his services.

Maybe he'd not mind, but maybe he would after a while; and I am kind o' set on well he didn't have a good time till he shook that home of his, and I'm going to make this old bitch of a world pay him what she owes him, if I can. Now you'll drop joshing, won't yu'?" His forehead was moist over getting the thing said and laying bare so much of his soul.