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'You will forgive me, Mr Varden, I am sure, for being at first a little sensitive both on your account and my own. I confess I was startled, notwithstanding your delicate exordium. Might I ask you to do me the favour not to approach any nearer? You have really come from Newgate! The locksmith inclined his head. 'In-deed!

With these parting words, and with a grin upon his features altogether indescribable, but which seemed to be compounded of every monstrous grimace of which men or monkeys are capable, the dwarf slowly retreated and closed the door behind him. 'Oho! he said when he had regained his own room, and sat himself down in a chair with his arms akimbo. 'Oho! Are you there, my friend? In-deed!

And I did so want that jam to jam properly. CAPT. G. Poor little woman! Let me kiss the place and make it well. Where's that scald? I can't see it. MRS. G. On the top of the little finger. There! It's a most 'normous big burn! Let Hyder look after the jam. You know I don't care for sweets. MRS. G. In-deed? Pip! CAPT. G. Not of that kind, anyhow.

He seemed to expect to stay to dinner, so we gave him a scramble meal, and he left by the 8:30 train," explained Maud hurriedly. She, like Nan, had decided to give her own special piece of news on the evening of her parents' return; but though she appeared to be looking in an opposite direction, she was acutely conscious of her mother's searching glances. "In-deed!" Mrs Rendell said slowly.

He could not help thrusting his hands to the very bottom of his pockets, and muttering at intervals, 'Pecksniff too! That fellow! Upon my soul! In-deed! What next? and so forth; nor could he help occasionally shaking his fist at the chimney, with a very threatening countenance; but this did not last long; and he heard Mrs Lupin out, if not with composure, at all events in silence.

'Well, will you have the goodness to state your business then, Mr Brass? said the notary. 'Sir, rejoined Brass, 'I will. Ah Mr Witherden! you little know the but I will not be tempted to travel from the point, sir, I believe the name of one of these gentlemen is Garland. 'Of both, said the notary. 'In-deed! rejoined Brass, cringing excessively.

"Somehow, such a lovely night ill accords with the cause of my visit to Steynholme." "In-deed, sir?" "Well, you and these other gentlemen may judge for yourselves. It will be no secret tomorrow. I am the husband of the lady who was found in the river outside Mr. Grant's residence this morning." Sensation, as the descriptive reporters put it. Mr.

"I shouldn't think folks would call 'em names, Hollis, when they never did a thing to you. Nothing but clean white mouses!" "Let's see; now I look at 'em, Topknot, they are white. And what's all this paper?" "Bed-kilts." "In-deed?" "You knew it by-fore!" "One, two, three; I thought the doctor gave you five. Where are they gone?"

He saw her less often-for a week, in-deed, he had not seen her at all till this day-and the forces that hindrance generates in an imperious nature had been at work within him. The chance now was one of gold, and with his life in his hand he turned into the stream. Across, he could see something white on her shoulder-an empty bag.

Therefore, sparing as she had been from the first, she was more sparing than ever. Not only would she buy nothing for which she could not pay down, having often in consequence to go without proper food, but, even when she had a little in hand, would live like an anchorite. She grew very thin; and, in-deed, if she had not been of the healthiest, could not have stood her own treatment many weeks.