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Updated: August 10, 2024

Excuse me taking you for one of the servants. Some people have short memories, you know." This deliberate affront was duly felt, but parried with a master-hand. "Why, I am one of the servants," said he; "only I am not Vizard's. I'm yours." "In-deed!" "If you will let me." "I am too poor to have fine servants." "Say too haughty.

"Papa loved flowers dearly, and we always love to have them under his picture; but Kittie must have been in a hurry, and forgotten it this morning." "In-deed," said Miss Strong slowly. "But excuse me, pray do, I wouldn't have spoken of it, but I supposed, of course, that this room had not been arranged for the day yet."

He was inside the Temple prison now, not far from Jeanne, and though his enemy was older and less vigorous than himself, and the door of the concierge's lodge stood wide open, he knew that he was in-deed as effectually a prisoner already as if the door of one of the numerous cells in this gigantic building had been bolted and barred upon him.

P'raps he would if he'd known there would be a young lady a calling to see him." "I am Mr. Leaf's aunt," said Hilary, turning as hot as fire. "Oh, in-deed," was the answer, with civil incredulousness. But the woman was sharp of perception as often-cheated London landladies learn to be.

'Not much to boast of. 'In-deed! said Wegg: 'sorry, partner, that you're not picking up faster, but your soul's too large for your body, sir; that's where it is. And how's our stock in trade, partner? Safe bind, safe find, partner? Is that about it? 'Do you wish to see it? asked Venus. 'If you please, partner, said Wegg, rubbing his hands. 'I wish to see it jintly with yourself.

"You couldn't do without me, could you, Polly?" cried Phronsie, very much pleased as Polly let her go and flew back to her sewing again. "No in-deed!" cried Polly, warmly. "There, take Davie's hand, and both of you go into the bedroom like good children, and shut the door and go to sleep. That's nice!" and she smiled approvingly at them as they disappeared.

Poor Bea colored violently again, remembering that she only had enough money to pay the grocery bill, due to-morrow, and yet Miss Strong had made her feel as though she must give something; every one would expect it. "I'm very sorry," she said, slowly. "But I really cannot this morning." "In-deed," said Miss Strong again.

Finally he said: "How is it that you understand those angels? What language did they speak?" "French." "In-deed! How pleasant to know that our language is so honored! Good French?" "Yes perfect." "Perfect, eh? Well, certainly you ought to know. It was even better than your own, eh?" "As to that, I I believe I cannot say," said she, and was going on, but stopped.

"She's going out to a dance party with Mr. Schenk." "Where at?" demanded Joe, who still trembled in her presence. "Somewheres down town," said Mrs. Beaver, "to a real swell party." "He oughtn't to take her to no down-town dance," said Joe, his indignation getting the better of his shyness. "I don't want her to go, and I'm going to tell her so." "In-deed!" said Mrs. Beaver in scorn.

Jellyby's; and then he turned to me and said he took it for granted I knew who Mrs. Jellyby was. "I really don't, sir," I returned. "Perhaps Mr. Carstone or Miss Clare " But no, they knew nothing whatever about Mrs. Jellyby. "In-deed! Mrs. Jellyby," said Mr. Kenge, standing with his back to the fire and casting his eyes over the dusty hearth-rug as if it were Mrs.

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