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He took her, kindly enough, but imperturbably, irreclaimably, for granted, and it wouldn't in the least help that she herself knew him, as quickly, for having been in her country and threshed it out.

"That's so," replied Cotherstone, so imperturbably that all three looked at him in astonishment "That's quite so, Mr. Tallington." "And this is an accurate report of what happened?" asked Tallington, trailing the pencil over the newspaper. "That is, as far as you can see at a glance?" "Oh, I daresay it is," said Cotherstone, airily. "That was the best paper in the town I daresay it's all right.

An' to save what good feelin's we both have, let's quit." "You don't love Collie, then?" queried Wade, imperturbably. "Yes, I do. That's a fool idee of yours. It puts me out of patience." "Belllounds, you're not her real father." The rancher gave a start, and he stared as he had stared before, fixedly and perplexedly at Wade. "No, I'm not."

He showed her with this piece of string half a dozen such knots, none of which could either jam or slip. "Tie me a lover's knot," suggested the lady, in a whisper. "Ay! ay!" and he tied her a lover's knot as imperturbably as he had the reef knot, bowling-knot, fisherman's bend, etc. "This is very interesting," said Mrs. Bazalgette, ironically.

"No: I fear discovery above all things; and whatever disclosure would lead to it, I avoid." "You are quite right, I am sure," said Diana. "Now do, brother, let her be at peace a while." But when St. John had mused a few moments he recommenced as imperturbably and with as much acumen as ever. "I do: I have already said so.

"No," Dora said, "you kept it from me because you wanted me to marry Arthur. And you thought that I should do so because he was master of Stagholme. You wanted to trick me into marrying Arthur before" she hesitated "before " "Before I came back," added Jem imperturbably.

When any event contradicted his theories, he found no trouble in turning it to his own advantage. "He was never," related his daughter, Mme. Laure Surville, in her article upon Balzac, "under any circumstances at a loss for a retort. 'Well, resumed my father imperturbably, 'the man has shortened his life, no doubt about it." Francois Balzac was not to be shaken in his opinions.

This gentleman looked up, nodded carelessly and said, "Excuse me, but I am at present engaged." "I am Mr. Jasper King's father," announced the old gentleman with extreme dignity; and again the look of being able to buy out this and several other such establishments, spread over his face. "I shall be very glad to see you, sir," said the middle-aged man imperturbably, "in a quarter of an hour.

The little room was foul with tobacco smoke and electric with ill-repressed excitement, yet he played on imperturbably, apparently hearing nothing, seeing nothing, his entire personality concentrated on his play. Suddenly he forced the fight to a finish. The opportunity came in a jack-pot which Hawes had opened. The betting began with a cool thousand. Then Hampton's turn came.

That doggerel rhyme, no less than the signature, had the power to rouse Fouquier-Tinville's ire, as it had that of disturbing Chauvelin's well-studied calm. "What is it?" reiterated the Public Prosecutor, white now to the lips. "I have told you, citizen," rejoined Chauvelin imperturbably. 'A message from that English spy.