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MacLure, we're homoeopathists, and I've my little chest here, and oot Hopps comes wi' his boxy. "'Let's see't, an' MacLure sits doon and taks oot the bit bottles, and he reads the names wi' a lauch every time. "'Belladonna; did ye ever hear the like? Aconite; it cowes a'. Nux Vomica. What next?

"It was lovely, of course," said Patricia, in a businesslike tone; "but this is real life! "I am going to have two darling girls here for two weeks at Thanksgiving, just from Japan. And think of the concert next month, with Harry Garvey and Laurette Hopps in a play, and Mrs.

Urijah Hopps, which carried the Glen by storm, and kept the name of Mactavish green with us for a generation. Rumours of this monumental pulpit effort, with its stirring circumstances, passed from end to end of the Glen during the week, and Peter himself recognised that it was an occasion at the Junction on Friday.

"Plaise your worship" John called me so, ever since I returned from London, firmly believing that the King had made me a magistrate at least; though I was to keep it secret "us zeed as how your worship were took with thinkin' of King's business, in the middle of the whate-rigg: and so uz zed, 'Latt un coom to his zell, us had better zave taime, by takking our dinner'; and here us be, praise your worship, and hopps no offence with thick iron spoon full of vried taties."

Weel, ma mannie, he says tae Hopps, 'it's a fine ploy, and ye 'ill better gang on wi' the Nux till it's dune, and gie him ony ither o' the sweeties he fancies. "'Noo, Hillocks, a' maun be aff tae see Drumsheugh's grieve, for he's doon wi' the fever, and it's tae be a teuch fecht.

"'It's nane o' us, doctor; it's Hopps' laddie; he's been eatin' ower mony berries. "If he didna turn on me like a tiger. "Div ye mean tae say "'Weesht, weesht, an' I tried tae quiet him, for Hopps wes comin' oot. "'Well, doctor, begins he, as brisk as a magpie, 'you're here at last; there's no hurry with you Scotchmen. My boy has been sick all night, and I've never had one wink of sleep.

A' hinna time tae wait for dinner; gie me some cheese an' cake in ma haund, and Jess 'ill take a pail o' meal an' water. "'Fee? A' 'm no wantin' yir fees, man; wi' that boxy ye dinna need a doctor; na, na, gie yir siller tae some puir body, Maister Hopps, an' he was doon the road as hard as he cud lick."

Hopps earned the ill-will of the Glen for ever by criticising the doctor's dress, but indeed it would have filled any townsman with amazement. Black he wore once a year, on sacrament Sunday, and, if possible, at a funeral; top-coat or water-proof never.

He sat brooding in the darkness, discouraged and homesick. So he had sat for all his nights at Kirkwood. The men at the cook-house were playing cards, silently, intently. The cook, serene and cool, was smoking in the doorway of his cabin. Above the dull roar of the river Paul could hear Min Tolley's cackle of laughter from the cottages a hundred yards away, and Mrs. Hopps crooning over her baby.

"Ay, ay," responded Drumsheugh, after a long pause, and then every man concentrated his attention on the belfry of the kirk. "Is there onything ava' in the body, think ye, Domsie," as Mr. Hopps bustled into kirk, "or is't a' wind?" "Three wechtfu's o' naething, Drumsheugh; a' peety the puir man if Jamie Soutar gets a haud o' him."