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"Well, I swan!" he said. "You've struck it rich, ain't you, Bessie? Aimin' to run away and leave us?" Bessie couldn't answer, but Wanaka spoke up. "You haven't any real hold on her, Mr. Hoover," she said. "That's right, that's right!" said Paw Hoover. "I cal'late you've had a hard time once in a while, Bessie. An' I don't believe you ever set that shed afire on purpose.

Catching him by the wrist, he deftly forced him to drop the muzzle toward the floor. With frightened cries the girls huddled in a corner. The other cowboys upset chairs, springing to their feet, drawing revolvers half-way from holsters as they did so. Hoover had pressed his thumb into the back of McKee's hand, forcing him to open his fingers and drop his gun on the table.

As the three would "make a raid" upon Florence, the county town, the inhabitants did not need to look out of doors to ascertain who were coming, for the merriment of the little girls gave sufficient indication. "Here comes Jim Allen ridin' like the destroyin' angel," said young Sheriff Hoover, on one of these occasions, "I know him by the rustlin' of his 'wings."

It would have been hard for any mining engineer to do anything at all to the situation without improving it. For Hoover, with his technical education in metallurgical processes, his experience in handling various and difficult mining situations, and his genius for organizing and systematizing, the opportunity was simply unique.

But I'll be glad when we get away from here. It's awfully close." "And, Zara, Jake Hoover was around here last night!" "Does he know you're here? Was that why he came?" "No," said Bessie, laughing again at the memory of the ghost. And she told Zara what had happened. "He won't come around again at night, but it would be just like him to snoop around here in the daytime, Bessie."

How goes it?" was his greeting. "You wind it up, and it goes eight days." Parenthesis bellowed, his temper fast reaching the breaking-point. "Jack Payson ain't back yet?" Buck asked, paying no attention to the bad humor of Parenthesis. "Not that I knows on." The cook rolled the dough with elaborate care. "Nor Hoover?" "Ain't seen him," he replied curtly. "Well, they ain't comin' back, either.

No other college in the country had more of its sons and daughters, in proportion to their total number, devoting themselves to their country's service during the Great War. If Herbert Hoover was the most distinguished of the serving sons of Stanford he was not more eager and devoted than many others. But we leave Our Hero waiting too long upon the threshold of his dream university come true.

We murmured again that it was the President we wished him to speak to, but we left feeling reasonably certain that there would be no dynamic pressure from this cautious leader. Herbert Hoover was the next man we sought. Here we encountered the well-groomed secretary who would not carry our cards into his chief. "Mr. Hoover has appointments a week ahead," he said.

She went in hurriedly to use the telephone. "I'm going upstairs to get my handkerchief," said Zara. "My, isn't it warm?" So Bessie was left alone on the piazza. She was afraid of Jake Hoover; afraid of the mischief he might do, that is.

If they had been coming out this way they would be here by now, I think. But I had an idea they'd strike through the woods. They wouldn't follow the lane where they left my car, because they would know very well that we'd be watching that." "An' Bessie can find her way through any woods you ever seen," said Jake Hoover, gloomily.