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It will be coming out to-morrow." "Thursday," said Harold helpfully. "I was wondering whether we couldn't get you to join our staff. Does the idea of doing 'Aunt Miriam's Cosy Corner' in our afternoon edition appeal to you at all?" "No," said Harold, "not a bit." "Ah, that's a pity." He tapped his desk thoughtfully. "Well then, how would you like to be a war correspondent?"

We have departed from the Jefferson view, and we now think that the government can do a great many things helpfully, provided it has experts to do them. Is it not entitled to the best men to do these things? Yet how are experts obtainable unless they are selected to permanent positions by those who are looking for experts and not looking for men who exercise influence at the polls?

Helena's knowledge of motor cars and engine trouble was not extensive she was conversant only with the "fool's mate" of motoring. "Maybe there's no gasoline," she suggested helpfully. "Nonsense!" returned Thornton, with a laugh. "I told Babson to see that the tank was full before he brought the car around he wouldn't forget a thing like that." Thornton, nevertheless, tested the gasoline tank.

He hesitated, glanced about him, and finally placed himself uneasily in the chair beside her. Good Lord! The situation was impossible. What should he say if anybody Gray Stoddard, for instance chaffed him about being smitten in this quarter? "A waltz?" echoed Johnnie helpfully when he did not go on. "I believe I could dance that I tried it once." "Then you'll dance it with me?"

The presence of Mike made this a public occasion. "Has there been a burglary?" "Yes," said Mike, "only he has got away." "Shall I go out into the garden, and have a look round, sir?" asked Wyatt helpfully. The question stung Mr. Wain into active eruption once more. "Under no circumstances whatever," he said excitedly. "Stay where you are, James.

An atheist in South America is just as difficult to approach as he is anywhere. The devout Catholics are easier to reach with the gospel. The devout Catholic has at least one element which must always be reckoned with in dealing helpfully with an immortal soul. He has reverence, which thing many of those people who have been swung away from their faith have not.

Not a child complained after that, but ran about helpfully, bringing moccasins, heating the footstone, and getting ready for a long drive, because Gran'ma lived twenty miles away, and there were no railroads in those parts to whisk people to and fro like magic. By the time the old yellow sleigh was at the door, the bread was in the oven, and Mrs.

"It certainly appears, sir," said Psmith sympathetically, "to be free from paint. There's a sort of reddish glow just there, if you look at it sideways," he added helpfully. "Did you place that boot there, Smith?" "I must have done. Then, when I lost the key " "Are you satisfied now, Downing?" interrupted Mr. Outwood with asperity, "or is there any more furniture you wish to break?"

Miss Thorley's pretty lips were pressed closer together. "Work, Mary Rose, is the most important thing in life." But Mary Rose was horrified. "Aren't you ever going to make a home for a family?" she cried. She couldn't believe that was what Miss Thorley meant and she dropped a jam jar. "You don't have to stop work to do it," she cried eagerly and helpfully after she had retrieved the jar. "Mrs.

Yet by means of all this he made noble the daily living of our earthly lives and gloriously triumphant the ending of them. Speak helpfully therefore. Remember that the great problem with each of us is how to live day by day; and that is no easy task, say what you will.