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'It's sax-thirty, he said. 'Her an' you'll be nane the waur o' hauf an' 'oor in private. See? So long! She's a clinker! And before Macgregor realized it, Willie had bolted through the shop and into the street. Christina returned, her eyes wide. 'What gaed wrang wi' him, Mac? 'Come here an' I'll tell ye.

"Hoo' wad it do if we appointed a deputation to gang an' lay the hale thing afore Mr. Rundell?" Jamie was always listened to with the respect due to his proved good sense, for everyone knew that he was a man who would not intentionally hurt a fellow creature by word or deed. "I believe it wad be a guid plan," agreed Tam Tate. "He maybe disna ken the hauf that gangs on.

"Why, it will take hauf a day to fill it," objected Burnley, "and it will be hauf mud when all is done." "I'll filter it," said Hope. "You do as you are bid." He darted to a part of the mine where he had seen a piece of charred timber; he dragged it in with him, and asked Grace for a pocket-handkerchief; she gave him a clean cambric one.

Ye needna think you had onything to dae wi' it, said Willie. 'Ye've been drinkin' beer, his friend remarked, not accusingly, but merely by way of stating a fact. 'So wud you, if ye had ma aunt. 'Maybe I wud, Macgregor sympathetically admitted. 'But ye couldna droon her in twa hauf pints. Ach, I'm fed up wi' her.

They've been after t' winders, and after t' vittle, and after t' very saut to 't; it's dearer by hauf an' more nor it were when a were a boy: they're a meddlesome set o' folks, law-makers is, an' a'll niver believe King George has ought t' do wi' 't.

"Auferstanden, auferstanden Aus der Knechtschaft Todesbanden, Streiter Gottes, nun zu Hauf! Unsre Adler! Ha sie wittern Ihrer Raub die Feinde zittern, Unsre Adler fahren auf!" "Zu den Waff en, zu den Rossen, Auf, Ihr wackern Kampfgenossen Er ist da, Der Ehrentag! Besser flugs und frohlich sterben, Als so langsam hin verderben, Und versiechen in der Schmach!" Up, comrades! to the field of fame!

"You believe there's plenty of coal up Barbie Valley, and that they're keeping it dark in the meantime for some purpose of their own?" "I do," said Weelyum. "God!" said James, gripping the table with both hands in his excitement "God, if that's so, what a chance there's in Barbie! It has been a dead town for twenty year, and twenty to the end o't. A verra little would buy the hauf o't.

"Ach, gang to hell," he said with brutal callousness. "You're no' hauf a woman like Leebie. She's a tippy wee lass, an' has a way wi' her. She has some spirit, an' is aye snod and nate," and there was a tantalizing smile about his lips that was plainly meant to irritate Mag. "I was guid enough a gey lang while, an' " "Ay, but you've haen a damn'd guid innins," he interrupted.

"Hauf a yaird one inch wide satin cream!" he roared mechanically. He received the small parcel, and furtively fingering the money in his pocket, asked the price. "Two-three, please," replied the damsel briskly. How Robert thanked his stars that he had some cash in hand! But what a price! All that for a scrap of ribbon! It seemed sinful; but he laid two shillings and threepence on the counter.

He drew him aside in the shadows, and asked for a loan of eighty pounds. Johnny stammered a refusal. "Hauf the bawbees is mine," his sister had skirled, "and I daur ye to do ony siccan thing, John Coe!" "It's only for a time," pleaded Gourlay; "and, by God," he flashed, "it's hell in my throat to ask from any man." "No, no, Mr. Gourlay," said Johnny, "it's quite impossible.