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"I'm done. I'm beaten. I'm whipped off the field." "You think you are not gaining ground?" she questioned. "My dear Lady Carfax," he said quietly, "it's no use closing one's eyes to the obvious. I'm losing ground every day every night." "But you are not fighting," she said. "No." He looked at her half-wistfully from under his heavy eyelids. "Do you think me quite despicable? I've done my best."

As for getting up in the dead of night, to feed the baby, Billy says I look like desolation 'like something the cat dragged in, was his latest pretty compliment. But no," Susan interrupted herself honestly, "I won't deny it. I AM happy. I am the happiest woman in the world." "Yet you always used to begin your castles in Spain with a million dollars," Anna said, half-wistfully, half-curiously.

Annis, her fair face flushed with the exertion, balanced herself on her lofty perch and gazed complacently upon her handiwork; while even Mistress Vane, who had been seated quietly on a deep chair by the fireplace, roused herself as from a reverie, and looked half-wistfully around the cheerful room. "What bell was that I heard just now?" she asked.

She turned to him impulsively with extended hand. "I think you can fill it if you try." He took the hand, grasping it strongly. "All right. I'll try," he said. "You don't mind?" she said half-wistfully. "You see, it makes such a difference to feel there's someone like that to turn to in trouble someone who won't let you down." "I shan't let you down," said Burke. Her fingers closed hard on his.

"Then it's a good thing heaven saw to it that you were a woman. The world couldn't have done without its Wielitzska." "Oh, I don't know" half-indifferently, half-wistfully. "It's astonishing how little necessary anyone really is in this world. If I were drowned this afternoon the Imperial management would soon find someone to take my place." "But your friends wouldn't," he said quietly.

And see here," he ran to the corner where he had hidden the golden clubs and returned with them in his hands, "with these we could make our way through them all. Tell me!" There was a strange smile on Desiree's lips. "And so you would fight for me, Harry?" she said half-wistfully, half I know not what. Then she continued in a tone low but quite distinct: "Well, it is too late. I am the king's."

My young tillicum had finished his tradition, and his great solemn eyes regarded me half-wistfully. "I wish you could see Homolsom Rock," he said. "For that is he who was once the Tyee of the West Wind." "Were you ever becalmed around Point Grey?" I asked irrelevantly. "Often," he replied.

"I think I might have married you, Olaf," she said, half-wistfully, "if if it hadn't been for one thing." Rudolph Musgrave smiled now, though he found it a difficult business. "Yes," he assented, gravely, "I know, dear. If it were not for the other man that lucky devil! Yes, he is a very, very lucky devil, child, and he constitutes rather a big 'if, doesn't he?"

She tore down the hall and was soon in hilarious conversation with her two old schoolmates, while Elizabeth remained behind to explain her sudden departure. "Just look at Estella!" cried a tall sallow girl, regarding that vivacious young lady with disgust. "How is it she always has so much attention from boys?" asked Elizabeth Gordon, half-wistfully. "My goodness, you're so innocent, Beth!

No dark furrows of hesitation, cowardice, cunning, meanness or weakness marred the expressive dignity and openness of the Cardinal's countenance, the very poise of his straight spare figure and the manner in which he moved, silently asserted that inward grace of spirit without which there is no true grace of body, and as he paused in his slow pacing to and fro to gaze half-wistfully, half-mournfully upon the almost ghastly artistic achievement of "Le Mourant" he sighed, and his lips moved as if in prayer.