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He made the half-resigned, half-impatient gesture of the man who feels himself drawn into a familiar argument from which there is no issue. "He left yesterday for Germany." "He was here too long!" she said, with an uncontrollable escape of bitterness. Odo sighed. "If you would but let me bring him to you, you would see that his influence over me is not what you think it."

The Baroness rose as though unwillingly to her feet. She dropped the slightest of curtseys and resumed her place. "Your visit is a little unexpected, is it not, Karl?" she remarked. "Apparently!" the young man answered, with an unpleasant laugh. He turned and stared at Norgate, who returned his regard with half-amused, half-impatient indifference. The Baroness leaned forward eagerly.

"I will tell you what Taggett suspects," he said slowly, "if you will allow me to tell you in my own way. I must ask a number of questions." Richard gave a half-impatient nod of assent. "Where were you on the night of the murder?" inquired Lawyer Perkins, after a slight pause. "I spent the evening at the Slocums', until ten o'clock; then I went home, but not directly.

If your er impediment hasn't stood in my way, why should mine in yours?" He spoke with a half-impatient, half-playful reproach. The woman uttered a little cry. To soothe and silence her, he kissed her. It was very risky, of course, but then the whole situation was risky, and he took his chance like the bold player he was.

"Some soft-witted fools may like to throw away three hundred pounds on a bit of paintwork; can't say as I envy them their taste. I'd rather have the real thing than a picture of it." He nodded towards the young bull, that was alternately staring at them with nose held high and lowering its horns with a half-playful, half-impatient shake of the head.

John, who sat in the smallest rocking-chair, toasting her feet on the hearth. "Now, Emma, isn't it strange that of all the evenings in the week Thursday should be the one so constantly stormy? This is the third one in succession that has been so unpleasant that very few could get out." This sentence was delivered in a half-impatient, half-desponding tone; and Mrs.

"I have had my great moment. It does not fall to many to feel as I felt for about an hour last night. I had seen you in trouble and anxiety for many weeks. I was able to brush them away, to give you relief and joy, at least, I thought I was" he drew himself up with a half-impatient smile.

Yet in truth if veiled ladies flit thus through your apartments in the light of day, it will reach the ears of the holy but violent Issachar, of whose doings I come to speak. Then, Prince, I tremble for you." Aziel made a movement half-impatient and half-contemptuous. "The woman is a serving-maid," he said, "who brought me a message that I understand but little.

Once she sent messages to Lady Tranmore messages full of sorrow, touched also by a word here, a look there by the charm of the old Kitty. "I don't deserve to die like this," she said, once, with a half-impatient gesture. "Nothing can prevent it's being beautiful and touching you know; our meeting like this and your goodness to me. Oh, I'm glad! But I don't want to glorify what I've done. Shame!

The next moment he became aware of Kate's presence in the doorway. With eyes alight and half-angry, half-impatient, Charlie Bryant turned upon her. "Why have you taken this wagon, Kate?" he demanded, going to the point of his concern without preamble. The woman drew a sharp breath.