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That was why she started to say "Yes" to his question, and did not, but stood with lips half parted and blue eyes troubled. He looked at her in silence for a moment, then, with a half-impatient gesture, turned to the river. "Shall we sit down on the moss?" she asked, vaguely conscious that his sympathies had, for a moment, lost touch with hers.

He did not reply, but taking her hand in his continued to move slowly on through the underbrush, as if obeying some magnetic attraction. "How did you find it?" again asked the half-awed girl, her voice unconsciously falling to a whisper. Still silent, Low kept his rigid face and forward tread for twenty yards further; then he stopped and released the girl's half-impatient hand.

Vida made a shrug of half-impatient, half-humorous assent. 'Leaves the Bishop's Palace and comes to London. He, too, wants "to live for the poor." Never for an instant one of them. Always the patron the person something may be got out of or, at all events, hoped from.

Why not let me look at both designs to-morrow?" Under her gaze he flushed abruptly and drew back with a half-impatient gesture. "Oh, I'm afraid that wouldn't help me; you'd be sure to think mine best," he said with a laugh. "But if I could give you good reasons?" she pressed him. He took her hand, as if ashamed of his impatience.

The Earl made a half-impatient sound and moved his hand restlessly. "Glad to hear it," he said brusquely. "So far, so good. Make yourself comfortable. Have a glass of wine and settle down. What else?" "His lordship remains with his mother to-night. To-morrow I will bring him to the Castle." The Earl's elbow was resting on the arm of his chair; he put his hand up and shielded his eyes with it.

Mary was half-impatient, half-reluctantly admiring; not an uncommon mixture of feeling for the extreme forms of virtue to produce. In the net result, however, her marked image of Alec lost something of its heroic proportions. Irechester's demeanor.

He could not tolerate the idea of succeeding Gerald in his own person, but still he found it very disagreeable to consent to the thought that Huxtable should replace him Huxtable, who was a good fellow enough, but of whom Frank Wentworth thought, as men generally think of their brothers-in-law, with a half-impatient, half-contemptuous wonder what Mary could ever have seen in so commonplace a man.

The shoemaker looked him up and down with a doubting eye, as if there were something about him that was not quite clear and above-board. The dust and fatigue were, however, unmistakable. "Who sent you to me, anyway?" he grumbled. "Oh, I do not know," was the half-impatient answer; "the man I lodged with in Dantzig or another, I forget. It was Koch the locksmith in the Schmiedegasse.

Lambert's lawyers, and they were struck by his calm, lofty, and indifferent bearing. He seemed to regard worldly prosperity as a thing beneath him, yet to feel in a half-impatient way the responsibility which the control of wealth forced upon him.

Peace was plainly worried, and with a half-impatient sigh, Cherry closed her fascinating story book and joined her sister watching at the window for the belated girls who had gone in town with Mrs. Grinnell that morning. "P'r'aps the horse run away," suggested Allee. "They were coming back on the car, 'cause Mrs. Grinnell was to stay all night with her relations."