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"Then," continued Matthews, "then we'll go and have supper somewhere oysters and things like that. Mushrooms, p'raps...." "With an actress, Matt?" asked a small Midshipman, known as "the White Rabbit," in half-awed, half-incredulous tones of admiration. "P'raps," admitted the prospective man-about-town. "My brother knows tons of 'em." Harcourt burst into shouts of delight.

He did not reply, but taking her hand in his continued to move slowly on through the underbrush, as if obeying some magnetic attraction. "How did you find it?" again asked the half-awed girl, her voice unconsciously falling to a whisper. Still silent, Low kept his rigid face and forward tread for twenty yards further; then he stopped and released the girl's half-impatient hand.

Audrey stirred not, and the other went noiselessly away; or Audrey opened dark eyes, faintly smiled and raised herself to meet the half-awed caress, then sank to rest again. Into Mistress Stagg's life had struck a shaft of colored light, had come a note of strange music, had flown a bird of paradise. It was and it was not her dead child come again.

Agreed more emphatically and with half-awed wonder when she saw the donkey puff and quiver on its anchor cable, as the hauling line spooled up on the drum. On the outer end of that line snaked a sixty-foot stick, five feet across the butt, but it came down to the chute head, brushing earth and brush and small trees aside as if they were naught. Once the big log caromed against a stump.

He did not move or speak, only kept looking down at me with those dark hollows of his eyes, not a glimmer of light moved in them that I could see, and, listening to the deep come-and-go of his breathing I felt frightened. "No, I never thought, I never dreamed such a thing was possible," he said at last, in a queer, shocked, half-awed voice.

And as the law would punish them if they were caught, perhaps they're hiding while we're in camp so close by." "That sounds good enough for me," remarked Giraffe, taking advantage of Thad's attention being diverted to softly toss another pine knot upon the fire. "Perhaps it's worse than that," Step-hen remarked, in a half-awed voice.

God! the man who could think evil things when a nightingale sings, isn't fit to stand even in the Devil's presence." Dollops looked at him half-puzzled, half-awed. He could not understand the character of the man: there were so many sides to it; and they came and went so oddly. One minute, a very brute-beast in his ferocity, the next, a woman in his tenderness and a poet in his thoughts.

Dwight Brower was summoned, too, from his room; and his mother, who had just realized the strangeness of his absence, looked up as he came in, and said: "Are you sick to-day, Dwight?" "No, ma'am," he answered. And something in his voice made her look again; and something in his face made her keep looking, with a perplexed, half-awed air. What had happened to Dwight?

And then, in a half-awed whisper: "Who is that dreadful, Grand-Opera-villain looking man he is talking to?" Ford's eyes sought and found Frisbie. He was standing a little apart from the turmoil, talking to a man on horseback; a man with half-closed, beady, black eyes, drooping mustaches, and a face reptilian in its repulsiveness.

France was all astir with the Austrian war, and it is impossible to read his expressions of half-awed admiration of French military and other greatness without rather mischievous amusement. He visited the Morbihan, which struck him as it must strike every one.