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She smoothed it, and patted it, and folded it up and laid it beside her on the bed. She took up her pocket-handkerchief and shook it out and folded it and put it on the top of the dressing-jacket. "What are you doing, you darling?" "Going to bed." She looked at you with a half-happy, half-frightened smile, because you had found her out. She was putting out the baby clothes, ready.

And then, in a perfunctory manner, as being perhaps the best way to lead the conversation into other channels, added: "And the suspense will be worse now for me at any rate for I, too, am going away where letters reach me but seldom." Her hand closed convulsively over his. "You going away! YOU!" she cried in a half-frightened tone. "Oh, please don't, Uncle George! Oh!

"I fancied myself here rushing upstairs to the library in my haste to see you to tell you I was not dead, and to ask you if you would have cared much had it been so. I saw all the scene the hall, the staircase already lighted. This room and you coming in at the door with a half-frightened, half-eager look in your face. Then it grew confused.

"The troopers at the stable say ye found Captain Boyde. Is he bad hurt?" he demanded. "To the death," spoke up the squire, for once missing the commissary's attempt to keep him silent. "Hast caught Brereton?" Janice had sprung to her feet and now stood listening, with a half-eager, half-frightened look. "Brereton!" cried Philemon. "Did he head the party?"

The group was of a very patient, half-frightened, half-puzzled looking gentleman who sat perfectly still on a stool, and of a lady who stood beside him, rubbing all over his head a handkerchief full of pounded ice, and easing one hand with the other when the first became tired.

He went with a somewhat hesitating step to the iron safe in the corner of the room and opened it. The he opened the subdivision and rummaged about there for a while. At last he looked up. "It is very curious, Anne," he said, in a half-frightened voice, "but I can't find them." "George, give me those letters." "I can't find them, Anne, I can't find them.

Delancy was endeavoring to lift the insensible body, when a quick, heavy tread in the portico caused him to look up, just as Hartley Emerson pushed open one of the French windows and entered the library. He had a wild, anxious, half-frightened look. Mr.

By stooping down, and reaching, she had often pulled her own kitten out from under her mother's dresser. "I can get you! I can get you!" laughed the little girl. Paying no attention to her clean, white stockings, which her mother had put on her only that morning, Margy knelt down on the sidewalk, and stretched her arms under the fruit stand, beneath which the half-frightened kitten had crawled.

He half supported, half lifted the paralyzed man up the three flights of stairs, and opened the door of the loft. The pick was leaning against the wall, where he had left it. "Look around, and see if you recognize anything." The old man's eyes fell upon the implement in a half-frightened way, and then lifted themselves interrogatively to Mulrady's face. "Do you know that pick?"

"Yes, sir," she muttered, and walked out of the room, wondering in a half-frightened way if he knew or suspected where she had been the day before. In fact, he did neither; he believed Lulu a more obedient child than she was, and had no idea that she had not done exactly as he bade her.