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She wanted to punish Max Doran for daring to neglect her at such a time, even for a few seconds; but a half-angry, half-frightened study of the dark, absorbed face changed her mood. No man could look like that unless something awful had happened. What, that was awful, could happen to Max Doran? Why, he could lose all his money!

"Who are you?" he said at last in a half-frightened whisper. "Are you a ghost?" "No, I am not," Mary answered, her own whisper sounding half frightened. "Are you one?" He stared and stared and stared. Mary could not help noticing what strange eyes he had. They were agate gray and they looked too big for his face because they had black lashes all round them.

"Do you think then he could help you?" "Yes. He could make Emmeline alive again. He could destroy what I have done." "But still, as you say, the crime would remain." "But, as you say, he could pardon that, and make me that I would never never sin again." "So you think the story about Jesus Christ is true?" "Yes. Don't you?" said Leopold with an amazed, half-frightened look. "Yes, indeed I do.

"But what are YOU going to do?" said Barker, with a half-hysteric, half-frightened smile. "We have not yet looked through our luggage," said Demorest with invincible gravity, "and there's a secret recess a double FOND to my portmanteau, known only to a trusty page, which has not been disturbed since I left my ancestral home in Faginia.

"I lay if he's alive it 'ud be as good as three Sundays in the week to him to see you. You was his little boy once, wasn't you?" "Ay," said Beale; "he was wagoner's mate to one of Lord Arden's men. 'E used to ride me on the big cart-horses. 'E was a fine set-up chap." To hear the name of Arden on Beale's lips gave Dickie a very odd, half-pleasant, half-frightened feeling.

Only one he helped me at first," she hesitated "Duffy." "Duffy!" said James Smith, recoiling. "Yes, when he had to tell me all," she said in half-frightened tones, "he was sorry for me. Listen, Jim! He was a square man, for all he was devoted to his partner and you can't blame him for that. I think he helped me because I was alone; for nothing else, Jim. I swear it! He helped me from time to time.

Gordon had lately been reading aloud the "Vicar of Wakefield," and, as always when a book was being read by them, the Gordons lived in its atmosphere and spoke in its language. "Father will be the Vicar," said Annie, "and Aunt Margaret" she looked half-frightened at her own audacity "Aunt Margaret will be Mrs. Primrose." "And you'll be Olivia," added Jean.

They're each of them just the same as they were when they were children, when they broke that window in the chapel, and he ran away home, and she came knocking at our door, with a single knock, just like a beggar's, and I went to see who it was, and was quite startled to see her round, brown, honest face looking up at me, half-frightened, and telling me what she had done, and offering me the money in her savings bank to pay for it.

In the distance they stopped, and soon were the centre of a group of children whom they taught to blow on the grass-blades, with many a half-frightened glance toward Menard and the maid. "There," he said, at length, "you may see the advantage of a reputation." She looked at him, and, moved by the pathos underlying the words, could not, for the moment, reply.

Stunned, drenched to the skin, half-frightened, but wildly excited and determined to see out, what a landsman has but seldom a chance of seeing, a great gale of wind at sea, I clung tight to the starboard bulwarks of Mr.