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Cordelia! don't, don't cry!" they looked at one another in a confused, questioning sort of way; and then, as they heard Eva speak again and with a breaking voice, as they saw the bright drops of sympathy and pity and regret gather in her eyes and roll down her cheeks, they started uneasily, and one and then another moved forward in a half-frightened, embarrassed fashion towards the door.

A strange hush was upon the people, a half-frightened look upon many faces, and a general air of suspense. Once, someone in the gallery cracked a nut. The sound was almost as startling as a pistol shot, and hundreds of faces were turned in the direction of the sound.

"Frank," she began, "you know that I am not in very good health." "Yes, mother." "I don't think I shall live long," continued she, "and, I should so much like to know if you have formed a decision to be a noble, good, and upright man." "You are not going to die," said the youth in a half-frightened tone, "you will be better soon, I hope."

"Do not leave," implored the half-frightened Baba, "but remain with me until I have quite finished my work. I believe I am growing to be a coward, for I dare not be alone to-night. You are such an odd-looking manikin," continued Nick, "and have spoken so fearlessly to me, that I am beginning to like you. Do stay."

I must have taken her unawares, for she drew back with a strange, half-frightened expression. Her breath came and went in quick gasps, and when she found her tongue, she replied: "No, George. It is impossible quite impossible!" "Why?" I demanded quickly. "I love you, Lola. Can you never reciprocate my affection?" She shook her head sadly, but still allowing me to hold her soft little hand.

"You watch, Estralla, and if any other boat comes near shout at the top of your voice," said Sylvia as she dipped the oars into the dark water and pulled off from shore. "My lan', Missy! Bar's dat light agin," called the half-frightened darky, "an' we's right in it dis time!" An instant later a call came from the guardboat. "Boat ahoy!

It is evident that through a fatal delusion the fortune of your brothers and sister and your own are in jeopardy. Do you wish to save your family from complete ruin?" "What must I do?" she asked, half-frightened by his words. "Marry," answered Pierquin. "I shall not marry," she said.

She was a fine young woman, of about five and twenty, though her weather-browned complexion made her look at first much older. With the help of the servants, I persuaded her to have a bath, during which they removed her clothes, and substituted others. She objected to putting them on; seemed half-frightened at them, as if they might involve some shape of bondage, and begged to have her own again.

"It's gold!" he exclaimed in a half-frightened undertone, as he passed it to Roswell, who was as much excited as he. He "hefted" it and held it up to the light. "No mistake, it is. I wonder what it is worth." "Several hundred dollars at least. I'll bet there are lots more about here."

Whatever feverish excitement might have raged within, all his habitual calm returned as he stepped upon the piazza. With the instinct of long habit, he turned and faced the battery of eyes with the same cold indifference with which he had for years encountered the half-hidden sneers of men and the half-frightened admiration of women. Only one person stepped forward to welcome him.