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The last time I seen him was down on the border, and he had sure grown cultus. He had quit the squaw, who was livin' with a greaser in Tucson " "And do you think I'm like that woman?" said Necia, in a queer, strained voice. She had listened intently to the Corporal's story, but he had purposely avoided her eyes and could not tell how she was taking it. "No!

Danny Mains robbed Stillwell's money gone your roan horse gone thet little hussy Bonita gone an' this Greaser near gone, too. Now, seein' thet you was up late an' prowlin' round the station where this Greaser was found, it ain't onreasonable to think you might know how he got plugged is it?

In truth he was a border Mexican; a type of man closely allied to the "greaser." He was a perfect scoundrel, who had doubtless departed from his native land for the benefit of that fair but swarming hornet's nest. "It's a pity when you have business on hand you can't leave that 'stuff' alone." Lablache made no effort to conceal his contempt.

Temple, leaning forward and speaking impressively, "that he was pretty certain one man was a Greaser and the other a Hun. Those were his own words. Of course, he meant one was a Mexican and the other a German." "So when this chauffeur abandoned them they stole our airplane to get away," cried Frank excitedly. "Exactly."

Anyhow, there was such a big skeer that one of the Greaser gang, who thought he'd seen the ghost, being a Papist, to save his everlasting soul went to the priest and confessed. But the priest wouldn't give him absolution until he'd blown the hull thing, and made it public.

There they are still comin', but goin' down, too." "Mebbe Rojas is crazy, but it begins to look like he " "Laddy, I'll be danged if the Greaser bunch hasn't vamoosed. Gone out of sight! Right there not a half mile away, the whole caboodle gone!" "Shore they're behind a crust or have gone down into a rut," suggested Ladd. "They'll show again in a minute.

About this vast pyramid-shaped machinery, galleried like a Latin house-court, tremulous with the breath of life that sang and hissed through its veins, the new greaser could see his fellow workers with their dripping oil-cans, groping gallery by gallery up towards the square of daylight that sifted down into the oil-scented pit where he stood.

Witnesses will swear to his passing the bad dollar which I have in my pocket at this moment as 'Exhibit A. There are no Mexicans on the jury, and it will vote Mr. Greaser guilty without leaving the box." The plover-shooting was fine that afternoon, and in the excitement of the sport the case of Rafael and the grief of Joya Trevinas was forgotten.

"I ain't wishin' Greaser any hard luck, but hope he carried away a couple Of 45-90 slugs somewheres in his yaller carcass." "It'd be worth a lot to the feller who can show me a way out of this mess," said Buell, mopping the beads of sweat from his face. I got up it seemed to me my mind was made up for me and walked into the light of the room. "Buell, I can show you the way," I said, quietly.

A woman, well clad, young, not uncomely, but with hungry eyes like those of a hawk, accosted Neale. He drew away. In the din he had not heard what she said. A boy likewise spoke to him; a greaser tried to take his luggage; a man jostling him felt of his pocket; and as Neale walked on he was leered at, importuned, jolted, accosted, and all but mobbed. So this was Benton.