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Dar he wuz! an' dar he had ter stay, till, by'mby, Brer Fox he come er long, an' he seed de Rabbit er stickin' dar, an' he tuck him up, an' he cyard 'im long ter Brer Coon's house, an' he sez, sezee, "'Brer Coon, hyear's de man wat stole my goobers; now wat mus' I do wid 'im?

Well, sar, soon ez eber de moon riz, Brer Rabbit, he stole out'n his house, and he lit right out fur dem goobers; and by'mby he sees de tar man er stanin' dar, an' he hollers out, 'Who's dat er stanin' dar an' er fixin' ter steal Brer Fox's goobers? Den he lis'en, and nobody nuver anser, and he 'gin ter git mad, and he sez, sezee, 'Yer brack nigger you, yer better anser me wen I speaks ter yer; and wid dat he hault off, he did, and hit de tar baby side de head, and his han' stuck fas' in de tar.

"I pulled up a vine the other day and washed it in the branch. I'm keeping it for the fair at Carlton. It is a dandy; the goobers on it are as thick as beads on a strand, and already as big as your thumb. Folks laughed at me for putting in five acres in this ground, but I knew what I was about. If they go high this fall, I'll make up for the loss on my wheat and hay."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I have come " Miss Bonnicastle checked herself, unwilling to disclose to this rough stranger affairs in which she had no concern. "I was told he had a grandchild living with him. Is she anywhere about?" "Glory? She's off peddlin' her goobers, I s'pose. I can give 'em any word that's left," said Meg, with friendly interest. "Glory? Is her name Glory?

He had not been stuffed by a taxidermist or a curio collector, but by the master hand of one of those natural-born home cooks stuffed with corn bread dressing that had oysters or chestnuts or pecans stirred into it until it was a veritable mine of goodness, and this stuffing had caught up and retained all the delectable drippings and essences of his being, and his flesh had the savor of the things upon which he had lived the sweet acorns and beechnuts of the woods, the buttery goobers of the plowed furrows, the shattered corn of the horse yard.

Another thing troubled him especially a strange, inexplicable thing, for which Peter had no words, and about which he found himself frequently thinking. This weak, frail slip of a girl had deliberately given her life for her convictions; she had died, in order that he might be saved as a witness for the Goobers!

"Of course, it isn't I don't know anything about farming. But what did I say so funny?" Bles was now laughing outright. "Why, Miss Taylor! I declare! Goobers don't grow on the tops of vines, but underground on the roots like yams." "Is that so?" "Yes, and we we don't pick cotton stalks except for kindling." "I must have been thinking of hemp. But tell me more about cotton."

An' ev'y day he see de same thing; an' he watch, an' he watch, an' he couldn't nubber catch nobody! an' he went, he did, ter de Coon, and he sez, sezee, 'Brer Coon, dar's sumbody stealin' uv my goobers. "'Well, sez Brer Coon, sezee, 'I bet yer hit's Brer Rabbit.

"It isn't much, but it'll give the readers some change from goobers, governors, and Gettysburg. I'll leave the selection of the stuff I brought to fill the space to you, as it's all good. I've got to run back to New York, and I'll be down again in a couple of weeks." Colonel Telfair slowly swung his eye-glasses by their broad, black ribbon.

And elsewhere they should have their whacking fill of prairie hen and suckling pig and barbecued shote, and sure-enough beefsteak, and goobers hot from the parching box; and scrapple, and yams roasted in hot wood-ashes; and hotbiscuit and waffles and Parker house rolls and the thousand and one other good things that may be found in this our country, and which are distinctively and uniquely of this country.