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Updated: August 31, 2024

"I have grown too old to travel in strange lands," he said. "I tried to get there once, but they stopped me just in sight of a stone fence on the farther slope beyond Gettysburg." A faint flash glittered in his quiet eyes. "I think I had better restrain my ambition now to migrations from the blue bed to the brown, and confine my travels to 'the realms of gold'!"

When the enterprise collapsed, Stevens jumped from a back window of the Capitol and ran off to Gettysburg, where he remained without claiming his seat for about a month, when he came in and offered to take the oath, but the House resolved, with great solemnity, that the seat was vacant, although others who had been out nearly as long were admitted without hesitation.

One could hardly bring heroism into the potato-field and the cow-house; but after this lapse of time, it began to dawn upon her that the man who had fought at Gettysburg and the man who marked out for her the narrow rut of an unchanging existence were one and the same.

Lansing is about to send a long note to England. England won't read it till there comes a lull in the fighting or in the breathless diplomatic struggle with the Balkans. London and the Government are now in much the same mood that Washington and Lincoln's administration were in after Lee had crossed the Potomac on his way to Gettysburg.

Gettysburg tuned up for another of his songs, the burden of which was the tale of a hen-pecked man. Once more at its end Napoleon looked up and spat on his hands. "There ain't nothing that can keep some women down 'cept a gravestone and I've seen some gravestones which was tilted." Despite the interest and amusement she felt in it all, Beth was becoming sleepy as she sat there in the sun.

Of many of the important battles of the civil war I have written, and desire to dwell somewhat on Shiloh, but will first say a few words about Gettysburg, because of recent publications there-anent. Some facts concerning this battle are established beyond dispute. In the first day's fighting a part of Lee's army defeated a part of Meade's.

He kept Lee at arm's-length, and followed so slowly that the civilians were in enormous wrath, and looked *de haut en bas on him on this timid soldier who had not cut Lee to pieces. Between Meade, however, and the bold civilians, there was this enormous difference. The soldier knew the mettle of the man and the army retiring from Gettysburg. The civilians did not.

Again Oyama won, and Kuropatkin retreated in fairly good order about a hundred miles north of Mukden." So runs the historian's brief record of the titanic struggle five years ago in the ancient Manchurian city to which I have come. What Gettysburg was in our Civil War, that Mukden was in the first great contest between the white race and the Mongolian.

Hooker was forty-six when he assumed command of the Army of the Potomac. General Schofield was thirty-four when he commanded with signal ability and success in the battle of Franklin. John Reynolds was forty-three when he fell at the head of his corps in the first day's fight at Gettysburg. Rosecrans was forty-two when he gained the important victory at Stone River.

After three days of fighting, in which the loss on both sides was fearful, Lee was defeated and forced to retreat to Virginia. The defeat of Lee's army at Gettysburg was a crushing blow to the hopes of the South. Lee himself felt this to be true. And, grieving over the heavy loss of his men in the famous Pickett's Charge, he said to one of his generals: "All this has been my fault.

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