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And the Deacon, wantin' to be dretful perlite to him, would ask him questions, and I could see the side of Josiah's face, all glarin' like a hyena at the sound of his voice, and then he would turn round and ossume a perlite genteel look as he answered him, and then he glare at me in a mad way every time I spoke to the Deacon, and then his mad look would change, even to one of shame and meakinness.

Of course Peets an' Tutt misses every shot, and at the windup, after glarin' at each other through the clouds, Peets says to Tutt: "'This yere is mere petulance. Let's proceed with our dooties. As soon as Texas has killed an' skelped the hold-up you represents, I'll shoot it out with you, if it takes the autumn.

"For my part, I don't like winders; they make a house look so glarin', like. We uns never had ary one where I had my raisin'. But the childern is gettin' a heap o' stuck up notions these days, an' they jes' set up that we had to have a winder in our new house." The weather was very cold the rest of the way, and father suffered severely from a felon on his hand. When we reached St.

For one moment we sat glarin', we was so took by surprise, and Glutton was so tickled that he gave a great roar of laughter, an' swayed himself from side to side, an' fore an' aft like a Dutchman in a cross sea. Of course we joined him. We couldn't help it, but we was brought up in the middle by Samson sayin', while he scraped himself, `Well, boys, I've won. `Won! says I, `how so?

There she is, standin' rigid between the double doors glarin' at us accusin'. "So you returned after all that, did you?" she demands. "I didn't know but you might want to tack on a postscript," says I. "Young man," says she, just as friendly as a Special Sessions Judge callin' the prisoner to the bar, "you are quite right. And I wish to say to you now, in the presence of my niece, that "

Josiah said it wuz a masterly dockument. And it wuz writ well. It painted in wild, glarin' colors the fear that men had that wimmen would strain themselves to do anything at all in the line of work or would weaken her hull constitution, and lame her moral faculties, and ruin herself by tryin' to set up on a Conference, or any other high and tottlin' eminence.

There's some contrast between the pair as they faces each other, young Hiscock all bristled up bantam like and glarin' through his student panes; while Nutt Hamilton, who'd make three of him, tilts back easy in the heavy office armchair until he makes it creak, and just chuckles. He's a chronic josher, Nutt is, always puttin' up some deep and elaborate game on Mr.

"The ghost!" said Phillis, "and its got red eyes, too, sure enough." "Phillis," said Bacchus, appealingly, "you aint much used to jokin, and I know you wouldn't tell an ontruth; what do you mean?" "I mean," said Phillis, "that the very ghost you saw, and heard screeching, with the red eyes glarin at you through the window, I've seen this morning."

"Young man," says Old Hickory, breathin' hard and talkin' through his teeth, "have you any idea what a splash you'd make if you were dropped overboard?" "Oh, come, guv'nor," protests Fatty; "we only want to " About then, though, he decides to make a scramble for his boat and the interview was off. Old Hickory stands glarin' after the pair until they're out of sight. Then he chuckles unpleasant.

Why, I myself, with my powerful mind, would git so cumfuddled hearin' his wild and glarin' descriptions, that my brain would seem to turn over under my foretop, and I didn't wonder at Josiah's bein' led away by it, much as I lamented it, for he soon declared that go there he would. In vain I reminded him that he wuz a deacon and a grand-father.