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Little Jessie is a very delicate child: things may go hardly with her. Then he stopped, picked another spray of jasmine, and pulled off the little starry flowers remorselessly. 'Miss Garston, I want to say something: I feel I owe you some sort of explanation. I wish to tell you that I have only myself to blame.

'That is true, she returned, with a groan; 'but, Miss Garston, hell has begun for me here; for three years I have been in torment, and rightly too, and rightly too, for I never was a good woman, never like Susan, who read her Bible and went to church. Oh, she is a good creature, is Susan.

You are not troubling about your work or anything else, I hope, because the rent is paid, and there is plenty in the cupboard for Phoebe and Kitty. 'I know you have paid the rent, and I shall never be grateful enough to you, doctor; for what should I have done, with this long illness making me behindhand with everything? I am afraid Miss Garston puts her hand in her pocket sometimes.

John stood with clasped hands, adopted love and most sacred responsibility, receiving sanction and benediction. I had scarcely hung it on the nail before Phoebe's querulous voice remonstrated with me. 'Why can you not leave well alone, Miss Garston? I was thanking you in my heart for the music, but you have just driven it away. I cannot have that picture before my eyes; it is too painful.

I've hated Miss Garston ever since I set eyes on her. She is a sharp one, I tell you that, Miss Etta. She means to bring these two together, and she will do it in spite of you. 'I wish I were dead! moaned Miss Darrell. But I did not dare to linger another moment. My heart was beating so loudly that I feared it would betray me.

'But you will be back soon? for I could not bear him to leave us alone. 'To-morrow morning. I will take the night train up, but I shall be detained in London. Take care of Gladys for me, Miss Garston. Do not tell her more than you think necessary. Do not let Etta see her, if you can help it; but I know you will act for the best. Then, as he looked at me, his face softened for a moment.

'There, now, in an injured voice, 'that is the way you treat my handsome apology, and I am not a man ever to own myself in the wrong, mind you. What does it matter, may I ask, what I think of girls in the abstract? I had not met you, Miss Garston, or discussed the subject in its bearings: so where may the offence lie?

I remember hinting this once to Uncle Max, and he had rebuked me more severely than he had ever done before. 'I do not like young girls like you, Ursula, to be so critical about their elders. Garston is an excellent fellow; he has plenty of brains, and always does the right thing, however difficult it may be. Men are not like women, my dear: they often hide their deepest feelings.

I was somewhat surprised on reaching the cottage to find Mr. Hamilton sitting by my patient. He had Janie on his knee, and seemed as though he had been there for some time, but he rose at once when he saw me. 'I was waiting for you, Miss Garston, he said quietly. 'I wanted to give you some directions about Mrs. Marshall'; and when he had finished, he said, a little abruptly

'We are not going to remain here, since Miss Darrell is so anxious about our health. Shall we come in, Miss Garston? Perhaps it is a trifle chilly here. And, seeing how the wind blew, and that Miss Darrell was determined to have her way in the matter, I acquiesced silently; but I was not a bit surprised to see Lady Betty stamp her little foot as she followed us.