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Wherever the laird be, he thinks to-day of Scotland." "I wish that he would think to returning," said Strickland. He had been leaning against the doorpost. Now he straightened himself. "I will go on as far as the pool." Mother Binning loosed her hands. "Did ye have that thought when ye left hame?" "No, I believe not." "Gae on, then! The day's bonny, and the Lord's gude has a wide ring!"

I heard the minister cry, 'No, Dow, no! and it gae through me as quick as a stab that if Rob jumped he would knock them both into the water. But he did jump, and you ken how it was that he didna knock them off." It was because he had no thought of saving his own life.

"Ay, but I was only making fashion before," replied Andrew; "but it's come on me in sair earnest now Lose or win, I daur gae nae farther wi' your honour; and if ye'll tak my foolish advice, ye'll bide by a broken tryste, rather than gang forward yoursell.

McTavish's glance met the youthful master's for several seconds; then the woods-boss trembled, and his gaze sought the office floor. Bryce knew he had his man whipped at last, and McTavish realized it, too, for quite suddenly he burst into tears. "Dinna fire me, lad," he pleaded. "I'll gae back on the job an' leave whusky alone." "Nothing doing, Mac.

His commandant found him rather pale and shaking, sitting in his room. He leaped up as von Zeiglemann entered, clicked his heels and saluted. Without a word the commandant took the letter from his hand and read: If ye go to Germany A'll follow ye. If ye gae hame to yeer mither A'll find the house and bomb ye. A'll never leave ye, McMahl. "So!" was von Zeiglemann's comment. "It is rascality!

Sandy got himsel' steadied up again, an' pulled doon his weyscot, syne gae his moo a dicht, an' buttoned his coat. I cud see fine that he was tryin' to keep up the English; but it wasna good enough. "I am no' a man o' learnin'," said Sandy. "I'm a wirkin' man, an' if I tak' up my heid wi' publik affairs, it's 'cause I've naething else ado, and it'll keep me oot o' langer.

'My certie, Miss Mysie! exclaimed Mrs. Halfpenny at the same time, 'ye're daft! Gae doon canny, and keep your apron on, for if I see a stain on that clean dress Mysie hopped downstairs without waiting to hear the terrible consequences.

By yon bonnie bank an' by yon bonnie bonnie brae The sun shines bright on Loch Lomond Where me an' me true love were ever won't if gae On the bonnie, bonnie bank o' Loch Lomond. Great baskets of roses were handed to her as she came down from the platform and my confusion was multiplied by their number for I had not thought to bring any myself.

But what comes thou here for to torment an auld body like me, wi' greeting and groaning at my time o' life? Gae awa, gae awa I canna thole the very thochts o' the story whilk thou ettles to ken." "Thou ken's the auld ruin, bairn, the auld wa's out by there.