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Updated: August 10, 2024

Her first distinct answer was, "My dear! tell me candid, how do I look?" "Very nice indeed, Mrs. Berry; but could you have believed he would be so kind, so considerate?" "I am sure I looked a frump," returned Mrs. Berry. "Oh dear! two birds at a shot. What do you think, now?" "I never saw so wonderful a likeness," says Lucy. "Likeness! look at me." Mrs. Berry was trembling and hot in the palms.

And the poor old gentleman's heart found meagre comfort, for a moment, in that thought. "A few words more, and I am done. The shock brought my disease to a crisis. For over a month my recovery was doubtful. But my naturally tough constitution, skilful medical attendance, and the unceasing care of Mrs. Frump, brought me safely out of it.

Her mistake had only been, after all, in her wanting to seem to him straight; she had let herself in for being as she had made haste, for that matter, during the very first half-hour, at tea, to proclaim herself the sole and single frump of the party.

There was not so much fuss and feathers with her as with the other women folk." "No," said Peter; "the old frump that my father drove laughed even at the magistrate, and found fault because his hands were too big." "Humph!" said Ole; "that was a joke. As if a grown-up fellow should not have big fists!

Matthew, whose ideal was a delicate woman with observable shoulder blades, had also, by repeated sights of Mrs. Frump, become reconciled to her ample proportions. Meantime, they had heard much, incidentally, of each other through Marcus Wilkeson. Matthew had come to esteem Mrs. Frump for her affectionate devotion to old Van Quintem; and Mrs.

"She'd been going about saying I had married an old frump for the sake of her fortune, and when she saw that you could wipe her off the face of the earth without a gown that was worth wearing, she was ready to die with fury." There was another gust of laughter through the smoke that was spurting from his mouth and then "And you, too, my dear! Laughing and applauding!

She is changed now, isn't she? What an old Gorgon it is! She is a great patroness of your book-men and when that old frump was young, they actually made verses about her." The Earl quitted his friends for a moment to make his bow to the old Duchess, Jack Morris explaining to Mr. Warrington how, at the Duke's death, my Lord of March and Ruglen would succeed to his cousin's dukedoms.

We was very unlucky, and Amos got downhearted, and took to drink. By and by he moved off to another claim, and worked on his own hook. He did better there; but all the gold he dug out he used to spend in gamblin' and rum; and at last a drunken quarrel put an end to Amos Frump." "Poor fellow!" said Matthew. "And do you think the widow ever grieved for him?"

She began to treat him very cold like, and, one day, when she was in a little bit of temper " "Has Mrs. Frump any temper?" asked Matthew, anxiously. "I never saw it." "But you a'n't her husband," replied the carpenter. "Amos told me that she did show a leetle temper now and then. However, he allers said she was a pooty good gal in the main.

Frump, leaving on the minds of her hearers the impression that her estimate was the correct one. "I never saw anything so slow," pursued Miss Whedell. "Would you believe it, Mr. Maltboy here are two hours gone, and we have not had more than how many callers have we had, Gusty? You keep account of them." Mrs. Frump drew out a little memorandum book from one of her pockets, and consulted.

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