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Frump, had fully appreciated the awkwardness of his situation, and had kept a rigid silence since the returned Californian resumed possession of his wife. The minute after Mr. Frump's identity had been established, Matthew could have hugged him with ecstasy. But, having lost the widow, his fickle mind straightway began to discover in her a great many excellencies that he had never seen before.

They talked a little about the books Howard had been recommending, but Mrs. Graves was bent on making much of Jack. "I don't get you here often by yourself," she said. "I daren't ask a modern young man to come and see two old frumps one old frump, I mean! But I gather that you have views of your own, Jack, and some day I shall try to get at them.

At the mention of Calaveras County, the widow suddenly fixed her eyes upon the stranger, and then dropped them on her crotchet work. Mrs. Frump, after her engagement to Matthew, had furnished him with slips from three California papers, giving full particulars of the sanguinary affair.

She was relieved to find herself swept naturally into the social currents of the college. She had been afraid of appearing stiff or priggish, but her self-consciousness quickly vanished in the broad, wholesome democracy of college life. The best scholar in her class, she was never called a grind and she was far from being a frump.

Dark, fair, good, bad, snuffy or smart? As he is an archaeologist, he must be snuffy, a bore, probably, and what the English call a male frump. It cannot be helped, my dear! You will have to marry him. Describe him to me." "He is dark," said Sabina. "I am glad of that. I always liked dark men your father was fair, like you.

It had the effect of bringing Mrs. Frump to the door. She thrust out her head, unseen by either the carpenter or Matthew, and looked at the former with a wondering air. "It was an odd idea," said Matthew, laughing slightly out of compliment to the carpenter, though he could not understand what there was to laugh at.

"Like her!" she flashed back, her anger leaping to unreasonable proportions "that old frump!" No sooner had the door closed after them than Morrell's conventional smile faded, and his countenance fell into its usual hard, cold impassivity. "Well, what is the game there?" he demanded. "There is no game," she replied indifferently. "There is very little money there, I warn you," he persisted.

When I love Madrid so much! When I can't live out of it!" She had sat down on her father's knees, she talked to him, looking into his eyes, smoothing his hair, pulling his mustache, like a mischievous child, almost as the other had. "Besides, he's stingy; if he had his way, I'd look like a frump. He thinks everything is too much.

Frump smiled, and answered: "Not being a horse, of course I can't say. But I would suggest, whether ostlers do not give their animals an extra quantity of oats on New Year's day, to make their action more stylish?" Mr. Overtop marked a quizzical expression in the widow's left eye, and was disgusted.

But the Lockyers were young and good-looking and clever, and she was always glad when they came to Loche during her stay at Mallowe. "There is not a frump or a bore among them," she said. "In the country people are usually frumps when they are not bores, and bores when they are not frumps, and I am in danger of becoming both myself.