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Updated: August 26, 2024

Her tones implied, that although the responsibility be on Hester's head, she would be good enough to overlook it. "Were you?" replied Hester. "You surely knew that the freshies were busy until this hour." "I presume I did so; but it passed entirely from my mind. I was so absorbed in my work. I am editor-in-chief of the 'Dickinson Mirror." "Oh," exclaimed Hester. She looked at Miss Bucher again.

"This experience has done something else for me other than opening my stupid eyes it has given me a real chum." And she got away before Sally could answer. "Have you noticed, Judy," asked Jane, "what a miraculous improvement is manifest in our two pet freshies? To wit: Sally and Shirley." "Yes," snapped Judith, "and I've noticed something else. You are apt to fall in love with the rebel."

After the masquerade is over we'll then turn our undivided attention to laying the juniors up for the winter. That may be the last game of the year, unless the freshies yearn for another. I am tired of playing, to tell you the truth. I don't intend to play next year." "Nor I," Marjorie said. "I like the good old game, but it takes up so much of one's spare time.

"It was that Dick Rover who led the attack," said Dudd Flockley. "Do you know what I think? I think he is going to try to make himself leader of the freshies." "Just what I thought, too," answered Larkspur. "And if that's the fact we ought to do all we can to pull him down." "Tom Rover is the fellow I am going to get after," came from Jerry Koswell.

When I say "you" I include those dear chums of yours. My father could easily have arranged to keep you out of Hamilton. Then I concluded it would be better to let you come here and make things lively for you. "'I proposed that call on you ninnies on your first evening at college. We arranged matters so as to fuss you self-satisfied freshies a little and keep you from your dinner.

"You wait and see!" snapped Cora. In her heart Jennie believed that the only girl among the freshmen entries who had the least chance to win the long race was Nancy. But she knew that this wasn't the time to begin "rooting" for her friend. Indeed, the best way to do was to cheer for all the freshies entered until they showed within the first few laps what they could do.

"Poor freshies!" sighed Marjorie, with the infinite wisdom of the sophomore. "Remember how green we were?" "Indeed, I do and that first reception, when they still had the sorority! Didn't we just think Frances Wright and Ethel Todd were nothing short of goddesses? I wonder whether these freshmen know about our Girl Scout troop, and are as eager to make it as we were the sorority!"

The freshies of Elizabeth Walbert's faction found that the majority of them would be without special escort unless the juniors or seniors came to their rescue. Rallied to duty by Alida Burton and Lola Elster, the Sans magnanimously stepped into the breach. They, in turn, brought certain of their junior and senior allies to the aid of the escortless.

The door, which Dunk had neglected to chain after the admission of his friends, was suddenly burst open, and in came, with a rush, Mortimer Gaffington and several other sophomores. "Rough house!" was their rallying cry. "Rough house for the freshies!" "Rough house!" Andy and his chums were taken completely by surprise.

You are not to play them for a while. You are to whip the freshies first. They are a handful, too. Later, you are to beat the sophs. With the help of Ramsey, this coach, you can do it, and I know it." The senior try-out did not take place on Friday. No aspirants appeared at the gymnasium. The seniors were not ambitious to shine as basket-ball stars.

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