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She was in a most piteous state, now it was all over; and though I charged it all where I supposed it should belong to the account of a natural womanly passion to cling to something in her moment of weakness yet the blood ran quick in my veins when she suffered me to lead her out of that dismal, smoking death-pit, she clinging to me the while so close that I could feel the warmth of her and the fluttering of her dear heart beneath my hand.

He found he could more easily evoke the seductive image of Reine Vincart in these calm solitudes, where the recollections of the previous springtime mingled with the phantoms of his heated imagination and clothed themselves with almost living forms. He seemed to see the young girl rising from the mists of the distant valleys. The least fluttering of the leaves heralded her fancied approach.

The great Rottot was chiefly known for his imposing proportions, and no sight was thought so beautiful by the habitants as that of his black silk leg, as, with his robe fluttering out in the breezes, he seemed to be flying from his office across the street to the court-house, followed by a bevy of clients.

"Yes, a beautiful child-woman the most beautiful in all the world," I said, grasping her hand and holding it a moment till its fluttering ceased. "And I am jealous of every other man who comes near you." I saw that my remark had offended her, so I continued earnestly: "I meant it, Betty; I meant it. I was not jesting."

It was evidently a barge of ceremony, for it was richly though quaintly carved and gilt, and decorated with a silken awning and fluttering streamers, while a banner, bearing the sacred emblem of the cross, floated to the breeze. The barge advanced slowly, impelled by sixteen oars, painted of a bright crimson.

'This gentleman was good enough to bring me. She spoke as if her presence needed explanation with the timidity of one shut out from the pleasures of life. I could feel her poor little heart fluttering wildly, and knew that her face was alternating from red to white beneath the mask. "Axel Larson shot a swift glance of surprise at me, which was followed by a more malicious bolt.

Deeper grew the silences into which they made their way, with only the gush of a mountain brook or the fluttering of a startled bird or the rustle of dead leaves under some alert little wild thing, just these sounds occasionally and ever the soft thud of shod hoofs on leaf mould and loose soil. The stars multiplied swiftly, grew in brilliancy.

Alice was locked in her room and would not see him. "But, oh, Richard," and again she laughed her little insincere, unstable, society laugh, beginning with brave frankness in one corner of her mouth and ending in a hypocritical wave of forgetfulness before it had time to finish the circle, but fluttering out into a cynical twitching of a thing which might have been a smile or a sneer

"Topmen, aloft! loose top-gallant sails and royals clear away the flying-jib," were orders that were hardly out of the mouth of the first-lieutenant, breathless with his rapid descent from aloft, when the gaskets were off; and the sails hung fluttering from the yards.

And he saw in her clear eyes her sorrow for him and her horror of the conflict before him. "That," he said quietly, "is nothing to us. We are but soldiers under command." He rose; and, suddenly, she realized with a fluttering heart how empty that room would be when he was gone. He held out his hand to her. "I must go and prepare what I have to say to-night.