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"Oh, Flucker! we maun tell her, it's her lad, her ain lad, she saved," expostulated a woman. "Did ever my feyther do a good turn till ye?" cried Flucker. "Awel, then, ye'll no tell the lassie, she's weel as she is; he's gaun t' Enngland the day.

"I'm saying, mairriage is quick wark, in some pairts here there's an awfu' trouble to get a man." A young Fishwife. "Ay, is there." Omnes. "Haw! haw! haw!" Christie. "Fill your taupsels, lads and lasses, and awa to Veneece." "I'll no gang to sea this day." Christie. "Noo, we are in the hall o' judgment. Here are set the judges, awfu' to behold; there, on his throne, presides the Juke." Flucker.

"Hae nane o' ye ony spunk?" said Christie, taking no notice of the woman. "Speak, laddies!" "M' uncle's yawl is at the pier-head; ye'll get her, my woman," said a boy. "A schell'n for wha's first on board," said Christie, holding up the coin. "Come awa', Flucker, we'll hae her schell'n;" and these two worthies instantly effected a false start.

The words were scarcely out of his mouth ere he had reason to regret them; a severe box on the ear was administered by his indignant sister. Nobody pitied him. Christie. "I'll laern yet' affront me before a' the company." Jean Carnie. "Suppose it's a lee, there's nae silver to pay for it, Flucker." Christie. "Jean, I never telt a lee in a' my days." Jean. "There's ane to begin wi' then.

He rose early, and went down to Leith; an hour later, his mother, finding him gone out, rose and went to seek him at Newhaven. Meantime Flucker had entirely recovered, but his sister's color had left her cheeks. The boy swore vengeance against the cause of her distress. On Friday morning, then, there paced on Leith Sands two figures. One was Lord Ipsden.

South Inch Keith, I played a bowl i' the water, just for divairsion and I catched twarree fish!" Christie. "Floonders, I bet." Flucker. "Does floonders swim high? I'll let you see his gills, and if ye are a reicht fishwife ye'll smell bluid." Here he opened his jacket, and showed a bright little fish. In a moment all Christie's nonchalance gave way to a fiery animation.

"Your name is Flucker Johnstone, and your sister's Christie, I think?" added the youth, enjoying the amusement of the young ladies about him. "It's Sammy Bowen, and hern's Ruth." "Have you got a Boaz over there for her?" "No, we've got a devil-fish, a real whacker."

"And div ye really think we are gawn to let you see a' the world chuse? Na, lad, ye are putten oot o' the room, like witnesses." Flucker. "Then I'd toss a penny; for gien ye trust to luck, she whiles favors ye, but gien ye commence to reason and argefy ye're done!" Christie.

Miss Newville inquired wonderingly. "I am happy to claim Mr. Walden as my friend. I have long known his father," the doctor replied. Robert was pleased, also, to meet Mr. Knox, the bookseller, who was polite and affable to all, particularly to Miss Flucker. When Berinthia and Robert were by themselves she informed him that Mr.

Their conversation was interrupted by Berinthia, who introduced him to Miss Lucy Flucker , daughter of the secretary of the Province, Miss Dorothy Quincy, Miss Mary Shrimpton, and to Isaac and John Coffin , sons of his majesty's receiver-general. While her father remained loyal to the king, she became an ardent patriot, and married the man of her choice.