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"Huh, I could do dat an' den talk better den you does." "I can b b b beat you t t t talkin'." "Yas, you kin beat any pusson I eber seed." "Don't y y y you furgit you a a a ain't nuthin' but a n n n n nigger." "Huh, da kin tell dat by lookin' at me; but atter lookin' at you da kain't tell whut you is. Why, you ain't nuthin'. Go on erway an' let me talk ter myse'f. You kain't talk."

"They're young city horses and not broke to deep water but we'll try them," said Bim. They tried but Bim's horse refused to go beyond good footing. "You kin light at that ar house an' spend the night but the folks have gone erway," the minister called. "I guess you'll have to marry us right here and now," Harry proposed. "Night is coming and that house is our only refuge." "Poor boy!

I wish I'd 'a' killed the cuss, but as 'twere, we had consid'able trouble on our hands. Right erway we heard two guns go off over by the house. I knowed that our firin' had prob'ly woke up some o' the sleepers. We pounded the ground an' got thar as quick as we could. The two wimmen wa'n't fur behind. They didn't cocalate to lose us you hear to me.

Nuffin dis man tried would kill Dan, so fin'lly de cunjuh man 'lowed Dan mus' hab a life-cha'm. "Now, dis yer jay-bird de cunjuh man had wuz a monst'us sma't creeter, fac', de niggers 'lowed he wuz de ole Debbil hisse'f, des settin' roun' waitin' ter kyar dis ole man erway w'en he 'd retch' de een' er his rope. De cunjuh man sont dis jay-bird fer ter watch Dan en fin' out whar he kep' his cha'm.

"Pete say yas, en de cunjuh man kep' on. "'Brer Pete, sezee, 'I's be'n a monst'us sinner man, en I's done a power er wickedness endyoin' er my days; but de good Lawd is wash' my sins erway, en I feels now dat I's boun' fer de kingdom. En I feels, too, dat I ain' gwine ter git up fum dis bed no mo' in dis worl', en I wants ter ondo some er de harm I done.

"Well, dat mout er be so," said the old man; "I ain't er 'sputin it, but you chil'en comes fum or mighty high-minded stock uv white folks, an' hit ain't becomin' in yer fur ter be runnin' erway an' er hidin' out, same ez oberseer's chil'en, an' all kin' er po' white trash." "We are sorry about it now, Uncle Bob," said Diddie; "but what would you 'vise us to do?"

Where she came from is nothing to me, and, indeed, after to-morrow I shall probably never see her again. I've got to admit, though, that you have aroused my curiosity, and I'd like to hear the story that's behind her presence here, if you are willing to tell it." The giant hesitated, then said slowly, "Wall, I kaint think of no reason why yo' shouldn't hyar hit. Hit happened this erway.

"Are you a runaway nigger?" "Yes, honey; I 'longs ter ole Tight-fis' Smith; an' he wanted ter whup me fur not gittin' out ter de fiel' in time, an' I tuck'n runned erway fum 'im, an' now I'm skyeert ter go back, an' ter go anywhar; an' I can't fin' nuf'n t' eat, an' I'se er starvin' ter def." "Well, you wait," said Dumps, "an' I'll go bring yer the picnic."

"Yer right, Jim," drawled Joseph Zachariah, lounging in the doorway. "I heerd Zeke White tell 'er he was er-comin' ter-night." "Mar " began Mandy Calline, looking at her mother appealingly. "Shet up, you boys," came in answer. "Zachariah, ha' ye parted th' cows 'n' calves?" "No, 'm." "Then be erbout it straight erway. Jim you Jeems Henry!" "Ya'as, 'm," from outside the window.

"Do ye know what they done with Bill?" the woman asked soon in a pleading voice. The scout swallowed as his brain began to work on the problem in hand. "Bill broke loose an' got erway. He's gone," Solomon answered in a sad voice. "Did they torture him?" "What they done I couldn't jes' tell ye. But they kin't do no more to him. He's gone."