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Allan Morris is no more fit to be her husband than " at loss for a simile he halted for a moment, and then burst out: "Oh, he's impossible!" "So far as we have tested him, certainly," agreed Ashton-Kirk, "he has shown no great strength of character." "He's acted like a frightened child all through this affair. He's mixed up in it, and through his weakness allowed Edyth to also entangle herself.

Why, the rag would have the police arrest Edyth arrest her for " "Well," demanded a sharp, aggressively pitched voice, "what for you make-a da blame, eh? Da cops pinch-a Spatola, and for why, eh? Because he's da wop, da Ginney, da Dago and got-a no friends."

"I'm not Kirk by any means," he reflected, "and this sort of thing is altogether out of my line. But it seems clear that Edyth after leaving here yesterday received some unexpected news. When she was here, consulting Kirk, she was, to all appearances, in a quandary helpless. She did not know how to proceed; she understood nothing.

"She is a distant relative of mine," resumed Pendleton; "her mother was connected in some vague way with my mother; and because of this indefinite link, we've always been" here he hesitated for an instant "well, rather friendly. Last night we happened to meet at Upton's, and I took her in to dinner. Edyth is a nice girl, but I've noticed of late that she's not had a great deal to say.

If it is possible, establish that fact. In any event, go into his history as deeply as you can." "Very well," said Fuller, with the easy manner of a person accustomed to carrying out difficult orders. As the young man went out at one door, Stumph knocked upon another; then Miss Edyth Vale, very pale, but entirely composed, was shown into the room.

"When I examined it this morning I saw that it was screwed up too tight, and knew that it would make a sound much like a pistol shot to ears not accustomed to it." Pendleton stared in amazement at the simplicity of the thing. "I see," said he. "While Edyth stood listening on the stairs someone opened this door!" "Yes; someone unacquainted with the place. Otherwise he would have known of the bell."

And when I came into my money and began to make collections of motor cars, yachts and such things, I thought I had taken life by the ears and was making it say 'uncle. "Well, we're only grown-up boys, after all. I recall that I thought I'd dazzle Edyth with my magnificence, just as Tom Sawyer did the little girl with the two long braids of yellow hair do you remember?

And Pendleton felt himself grow suddenly faint and sick as he recognized Edyth Vale. For a moment there was a silence between the two men; then Ashton-Kirk said, dryly: "Miss Vale has, apparently, not been altogether frank with us in this matter." "You think then " began Pendleton in a voice of terror. But Ashton-Kirk stopped him. "I think many things," said he.

The catch in his voice, the expression upon the young man's face caused Ashton-Kirk to grasp an astonishing fact. The hand that he had laid upon Pendleton's shoulder tightened as he answered: "Yes, Edyth Vale is concerned. As a rule I do not speak of my clients to others, but in view of what you have already heard and seen, it would be a waste of words to deny it.

Shortly before noon next day, Ashton-Kirk, in an immaculate morning suit, was ushered into the presence of Miss Edyth Vale. If he expected confusion, embarrassment or anything of that sort, he was disappointed; for she greeted him eagerly and with outstretched hand. "This is a surprise," she said. He held her hand and looked meaningly at her. "My appearances are sometimes surprising," he said.