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I'll smarten yer up a bit by Gawd I'll break yer bleed'n' 'earts afore I've done wi' yer by Gawd I will. When I tells yer ter do a thing yer've got ter do it, else there'll be trouble, Gawd strike me blind. Now then, let's see what yer can do." He gave his orders more slowly and performed each movement himself while we imitated him as best we could.

For this 'ere cow, she reminds me of my father, and I know 'ow 'e'd 'ave 'ided me if I'd laid 'ands on a 'a'penny as wasn't my own. 'I'm sure he would, Jane agreed kindly; 'but what made you come here? 'Well, miss, said the burglar, 'you know best 'ow you come by them cats, and why you don't like the police, so I'll give myself away free, and trust to your noble 'earts.

The stockings were filled at last; the toes and heels dexterously stuffed out with apples and oranges; the gifts following next each separate gift wrapped in paper, and tied neatly with string. "Quite half the fun is in the untying of the string," thought Mrs. Reed. "Oh, how the little 'earts will go pitter-patter! Don't I know it myself?

"Yet, oh, yet thyself deceeve not, Luv' may sink by slow decay; But by suddint wrench beleeve not 'Earts can thus be torn away." 'Have you had a quarrel with your young man? I asked, perplexed at the strange selection of verse. 'No, miss, but 'e's 'overin' just now you know what I mean. I want to bring 'im up to the scratch, like.

He threw back his head "Magnificent Arry, the man that's played more avock with earts in his day than any other seaman afloat.... It's the whiskers done it," he added simply. The two men in him were at war: the high and mighty fighting-man and the confidential toper. Each came bobbing out in turns.

"It's four pound a week I'm giving away. Then, squeeze a tear an' see if that don't touch their 'earts an' their pockets." "Let me go! Let me go!" cried Mavis, horrified at the woman's communication. "I thought I'd astonish you," said Miss Ewer complacently. "Let me go. This way?" "Too grateful to thenk me! Never mind; leave it till nex' time we meet. You can thenk me then.

'Just enough alive to suffer through their children. And so the workin' women round about where I live that's 'Ackney they say if we ain't 'eathins in this country let's give up 'eathin ways. Let the mothers o' this country 'ave their 'ands untied. We're willin' to work for our children, but it breaks our 'earts to work without tools. The tool we're needin' is the tool that mends the laws.

Y' see, I loved 'er purty looks an' gentle ways." "And you married her notwithstanding! You forgave her!" "Aye, I did years an' years ago! Ah, an' a danged good little wife she's been too ah, an' mother none better." "Have you many children?" "Nine!" "And you feed them all?" "Every one an' very frequent, bless their little 'earts." "And clothe them?"

Oh, thought he, but it will be a grand thing to see the proud Morgiana on her knees to me; and me a-pointing to the door, and saying, "Madam, you've steeled this 'eart against you, you have; bury the recollection of old times, of those old times when I thought my 'eart would have broke, but it didn't no: 'earts are made of sterner stuff.

"I warn you that if anything happens to them there'll have to be an inquest." The father made no reply, but he gave Philip a scowl. There was murder in his soul. "Bless their little 'earts," said the grandmother, "what should 'appen to them?" The great difficulty was to keep the mothers in bed for ten days, which was the minimum upon which the hospital practice insisted.